Will there be a section button on the home page to open the classical music section ever again? Or are these now just to be added to the vinyl section?
In-house specialist in drive-by moddings. Member since Dec 2012 3719 Points Moderator
This has been a long-standing gripe of mine. We've been told for months that this was to do with the Classical section being re-designed, re-purposed or whatever, but nothing has been forthcoming about exactly what...or, indeed, when.
Either Classical World should be re-instated to parity with all other Worlds (including its place at the top of the main page) or its entries should be merged with the relevant other formats (Vinyl LP, CD, etc.).
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3773 Points Moderator
I would like to see the "button" return to top 'o' the page visibility again too.
I think part of the reason it has struggled to take off is that many new members or visitors aren't aware of it's existence... unless of course, they happen to look closely at the bottom of the page.
That said, I do like the new image upload facility on Classical World, with the drop box and display for images already added on that part... which I assume has been added recently. It'd be nice to see that all over 45 wehrlds.