I post this in several threads because I don't know where is the place.
In the section "Add Missing Info" I need option for adding language. For most of the books that I added, I forgot to specify this and now they are not listed in the main search lists. So many work for nothing.
If this is not possible in a day or two, I'm going to add them again so that they to be listed but then they all will be doubled in the database.
In the section "Add Missing Info" I need option for adding language. For most of the books that I added, I forgot to specify this and now they are not listed in the main search lists.
The corrections you have submitted have been dealt with. I note that "Bulgarian" is not displaying on the book's pages (and have referred that to Admin), but the books can still be found following the By Language link on the homepage.
Is this what you are referring to?
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow Member since Jan 2011 4151 Points Moderator
@mrblond - it is not a problem. Looking at your book Дългото сбогуване your 'corrections' have been made and the language is now shown as Bulgarian (Thanks to Graham7)
Corrections are made as soon as a moderator sees them, so you must be patient and wait until a moderator looks at your books
The corrections you have submitted have been dealt with. I note that "Bulgarian" is not displaying on the book's pages (and have referred that to Admin), but the books can still be found following the By Language link on the homepage.
Is this what you are referring to?
Good, thanks. I see that the problem with Polish and Bulgarian books is solved.
The problem now is multiple inclusions of one and the same author.
It is A. Conan Doyle also as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and I was about to start Arthur Conan Doyle which I think is the correct.
I have many book covers prepared but cannot continue before the unification of these three names.
You should list the author as his or her name is given on the title page. So if it's Arthur Conan Doyle there, that's how you list it. Once you create a new entry for that name (and only then), a moderator can link it to the other versions under which the author's name is listed. Right now, A. Conan Doyle is the most common version of his name, so the full bibliography of all works by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle appears under that versions of his name.
Wait, I have to scan what now? Member since Jan 2013 772 Points Moderator
When he was alive, he always signed his name as A. Conan Doyle. When I added the first of his books on here, I added the name as he wrote it. If a book has the name written any other way, it is because the publisher has chosen to do so when the story was reprinted, probably because he has become well known by the name "Sir Arthur Conan Doyle".
It doesn't work well. I've just added a new edition of this novel the-hound-of-the-baskervilles under Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
and the system doesn't recognize them as one and the same book.
I wanna eat an artichoke once in a while Member since Feb 2008 25453 Points Administrator
We've had a look at this and we'll have to do things a little differently on Book World. At the moment editions of books automatically link up by matching an author and book title. For this reason we're going to have to choose a best or most accepted name for each author. I.E. even if a book cover says C. Dickens we would enter it as Charles Dickens.
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7279 Points Moderator
Dr Doom wrote:
We've had a look at this and we'll have to do things a little differently on Book World. At the moment editions of books automatically link up by matching an author and book title. For this reason we're going to have to choose a best or most accepted name for each author. I.E. even if a book cover says C. Dickens we would enter it as Charles Dickens.