If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator
I think I must be the only person in the world who doesn't like all the extra gubbin's on re-issues...
...just give me the original track-list in the same packaging, and I'm happy then.... I don't need to hear five thousand different versions of Day In The Life... just the original finished article is fine.
I've passed on a few re-issues of albums I really want on vinyl, because they add all the extras - which is not the way I remember it, whole and complete, and regardless of whether the artist intended it to be released that way or not (I don't care if they were happy with it or not!) - or because they split, what was orignally a single disc album over two discs (Very annoying) - or change the sleeve (grrrrrr).
Not to mention the cost.
(Jeez... I've just realised what a miserable old tight-wad I've become! )
I think I must be the only person in the world who doesn't like all the extra gubbin's on re-issues...
...just give me the original track-list in the same packaging, and I'm happy then.... I don't need to hear five thousand different versions of Day In The Life... just the original finished article is fine.
I've passed on a few re-issues of albums I really want on vinyl, because they add all the extras - which is not the way I remember it, whole and complete, and regardless of whether the artist intended it to be released that way or not (I don't care if they were happy with it or not!) - or because they split, what was orignally a single disc album over two discs (Very annoying) - or change the sleeve (grrrrrr).
Not to mention the cost.
(Jeez... I've just realised what a miserable old tight-wad I've become! )
I would be of the same opinion MM but whenever an official 5.1 release is done i'm in there. I have a Sgt Pepper disc that was converted from Stereo to 5.1 and it sounds pretty amazing, to have an official one done by Giles Martin is a great bonus. Just can't wait now until May and get it on the player
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator
Well there I can see a difference in the product that would appeal to a specific collector like your good self...
but just putting it out again with extra bad / unfinished versions tacked on as a bonus is like buying a house and having all the fungus rot and mold thrown in free... thanks, but no thanks.
I am of the opinion that the artist works through all these stages to produce a finished product. (I'm not someone who ever watches the the extra crap on a DVD either, I just want the magic of the film itself).
Usually, if it's worth having at all, chances are they got it right first time around.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator
(Besides, you don't need to go looking for The Beatles in surround at the moment... they're doing a great job of surrounding us with Beatles as it is!)
But you're assuming the extras are all junk. In the Beatles' case there are lots of extras which are well worth listening to - the early versions of Strawberry Fields are excellent, and there are lots of other examples - Revolution take 20, acoustic While My Guitar Gently Weeps, the full band versions of Two of Us, all the Kinfauns demos from the white album, Macca and George harmonising on All Things Must Pass, and so on. The best of it certainly deserves proper release.
I'm with you on the other point though - I don't want this sort of stuff tacked on as extras onto an album (much less in the middle, which does happen!), but provided it's on a separate disc, with the album itself intact, then that's great.
Absolutely, I agree with all the sentiments expressed, but surely getting a completely new and refreshing take on Pepper is to be welcomed in the 5.1 surround version. Don't lets forget that the album had been re-mixed for Quad in the past and never materialised. For that alone I heartily welcome something that is new. It just irks me that I have to buy all other stuff just to get it
I've done some 'back of an envelope' analysis of the new stuff and can advise as follows (don't sue me if I've made any errors!):
Previously issued on Anthology:
- Strawberry Fields Forever [Take 1]
- Strawberry Fields Forever [Take 7]
- A Day In The Life [Take 1]
- A Day In The Life [Take 2]
- A Day In The Life [Orchestra Overdub]
- Good Morning Good Morning [Take 8]
- Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! [Take 7]
Previously issued on bootleg only:
- Strawberry Fields Forever [Take 4]
- Strawberry Fields Forever [Take 26]
- Penny Lane [Vocal Overdubs]
- Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band [Take 9]
Never released previously:
- Strawberry Fields Forever [Stereo Mix - 2015]
- When I'm Sixty-Four [Take 2]
- Penny Lane [Take 6 – Instrumental]
- Penny Lane [Stereo Mix - 2017]
- A Day In The Life (Hummed Last Chord) [Takes 8, 9, 10 and 11]
- A Day In The Life (The Last Chord)
- Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band [Take 1 – Instrumental]
- Good Morning Good Morning [Take 1 - Instrumental, Breakdown]
- Fixing A Hole [Take 1]
- Fixing A Hole [Speech And Take 3]
- Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! [Speech From Before Take 1; Take 4 And Speech At End]
- Lovely Rita [Speech And Take 9]
- Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds [Take 1 And Speech At The End]
- Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds [Speech, False Start And Take 5]
- Getting Better [Take 1 - Instrumental And Speech At The End]
- Getting Better [Take 12]
- Within You Without You [Take 1 - Indian Instruments Only]
- Within You Without You [George Coaching The Musicians]
- She's Leaving Home [Take 1 – Instrumental]
- She's Leaving Home [Take 6 – Instrumental]
- With A Little Help From My Friends [Take 1 - False Start And Take 2 – Instrumental]
- Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) [Speech And Take 8]
If you can't dig me, you can't dig nothin' Member since Nov 2013 2283 Points
From tracklist @ http://www.rollingstone.com
"CD 2 (Complete early takes from the sessions, sequenced in chronological order of their first recording dates)
1. "Strawberry Fields Forever" [Take 1]
2. "Strawberry Fields Forever" [Take 4]
3. "Strawberry Fields Forever" [Take 7]
4. "Strawberry Fields Forever" [Take 26]
5. "Strawberry Fields Forever" [Stereo Mix - 2015]"
Now don't get me wrong I love the song "Strawberry Fields Forever" but don't think I could listen to it forever and ever. What you have here is 6CDs with two extra songs, "Strawberry Fields Forever" and "Penny Lane" and a new mix. That amounts to about 46 mins. of music. You can dress it any way you like but what you get in the deluxe package is over 5 hrs of versions of the same 46mins of music and a "making of" documentary. This is made for an audience that have moptop wigs, Beatle boots and trainspotters anoraks. As I said before, overkill.
the future ain't what it used to be Member since Feb 2013 459 Points
I really need this like I need a hole in the head. I already bought both the stereo and mono 2009 remasters, I've got about 50 bootlegs with multiple variant takes that I've had since the days of tape swapping at school in the 1970's.
I own original mono and stereo vinyl first pressings in beautiful condition and a stereo 1970-ish re-issue just for good measure. Oh, and the 1987 stereo CD release, too.
It's all too late Beatles' people - way too late.
Further more, I'm damned sure I'm not going to be lining the pockets of that smug tosser Giles Martin - "Producer" my arse, he is. All he does is twiddle a few faders up and down, having recorded and produced sfa. Anyone could re-position a bit of vocal from the right channel pushed to the middle with the right tools - which is about all this geezer does. I'm absolutely less than remotely impressed.
I'm reminded here of when Eddie Kramer was asked to explain exactly what he had done to justify his latest round of Hendrix releases to be considered "Remasters" - when they had already been remastered before by Joe Gastwirt. Eddie's reply was "they sound as if a veil has been lifted from the speakers"!?
It's a fool that parts with his money easily...
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator
I think the thing is, that an average Beatle fan, or someone just wanting the original album, will just want the straight up track list, but the extras will only appeal to a serious Beatler (Oor is that Beatlie - like Trek fans :), in which case, just release the extras separately... no need to sell the original album with it.
They've probably already got a hundred of them anyway.
--In actual fact, my CD of Bridge Over Troubled Water has those extra tracks, which does annoy me, because I don't like them, and spoils the "arc" of the album narrative (I'm just making shit up now... but you get what I mean I think) --
the future ain't what it used to be Member since Feb 2013 459 Points
Hi Magic Marmalade,
Indeed I think so too, despite being a lifelong fan with a number of boots. But it's all more of the same. And if Eric Barrett didn't rate these other takes when he was on the job back in the day, as highly over the others that did seep out onto the black market - why? Because there were better takes to be heard and we've all been listening to them since 1989.
I also shudder at the thought of these new 5.1 surround mixes that will probably (I'm guessing here) separate out the various instruments. Were they that great players?
Were the recordings that good, having been bounced from 4-track to 4-track to 2-track, with more overdubs back to 4-track?
The biggest mistake the Beatles' ever made was keeping in with George Martin, who couldn't produce "rock music" to save his life and not going off to Los Angeles' Gold Star Studios where the "real" producers lived.
They should have had somebody like Paul Rothschild on the boards.