the future ain't what it used to be Member since Feb 2013 459 Points
Is there any way to keep the Notes box active when making an entry for multiple discs?
I was loading a 6 disc compendium and thought that I'd list all the tracks for each disc first and do all the info stuff last in the Notes section.
Alas, it doesn't seem to be available for use, so there's about 100 tracks listed with no information.
Or have I missed the obvious?
Sorry that's not possible, the notes field is designed to be used as general information about the item. There is a limit of 2000 characters which isn't enough to store extensive track information.
the future ain't what it used to be Member since Feb 2013 459 Points
I understand the size limitations, not that I aspire to want to record who made the tea, as per some uploads.
However, my point was why does the Notes facility shut down so early in the process?
There's also no warning notice that this will happen, which means the first things that I do now before entering anything, are the notes - which is somewhat ridiculous imho.
Ah I misunderstood what you meant. You want the notes to be available for editing after the CD has been entered. We made a design choice early on that the notes field would only be editable by moderators after the item has been added. This is so that the notes are kept manageable and brief. You can ask a moderator to edit the notes by using the "Make Correction" feature. This process has been in place for many years and works well we think.
You can't overdose on music. Member since Jan 2016 1046 Points
If I understand correctly, Apollo59 is using the CD Notes field as an information staging area while transferring this information into each track field (Artist, Title, Composer), and the information is somehow vanishing while in the process of transferring. I do this too in the Vinyl Albums world. I just tried it in the CD Albums world and had no problems with any of this information vanishing before finishing.
Apollo59, have you tried using a different browser? I use Chrome and could not duplicate the issue.