the future ain't what it used to be Member since Feb 2013 459 Points
I was loading up this "David Bowie And Original New York Cast" CD - who are credited for the recording.
However, none of the tracks are actually performed by Bowie with ONYC, and I had wiped each artist entry that automatically appears and typed in the actual performer appertaining to each track.
Loaded it up and it's wiped off all my entries.
Is there something I'm not doing properly?
It's listed as Lazarus etc.
That's an odd bug, the track artists should definitely be retained, we have many CDs with differing artists. You can use the "Make Correction" feature to alert a moderator to the correct artists.
one possibility: if you made any emendment to the "artist" field in the entries for the item - cd in this case - as a whole after you made the individual tracks' artist fields match the individual tracks, i've found this will override all the individual tracks' artist fields.
the future ain't what it used to be Member since Feb 2013 459 Points
ppint: That's what I did first time - entered tracks first, then went back and corrected the performers extry box.
So, I did it again just now, but this time I immediately scrapped all the auto loading entries, re-typed the correct data track by track and it worked perfectly.
Which, therefore, suggests there is some kind of bug working mischief.
I dont think it is a bug as such, just that common with some internet form entry input pages, it can revert to the 'copy from first track' commanding, probably needs explict coding , which I think is tricky.