can - and please may - ursula le guin and ursula k. le guin be combined, as - whilst i doubt there's any chance of her ever suffering a split personality - the separation divorces the earthsea books from one another, the stories of the hainish oikumene likewise, and risks the inadvertent duplication of submissions to "bookcat". . .
(and, "a happy (if drippy, here in the english north-wet) new year to all. . .")
makes eminent sense to combine both versions of ursula k. le guin's name, but is not as easy as on 78rpm world. so i have to leave it to the admins to fix this. i filed a corrections request, so this issue doesn't get lost in the shuffle.
hi; ursula le guin, ursula k. le guin (and ursula leguin and ursula k. leguin) are just one person and, as there's no distinction between different literary personae, there should really just be one unified listing for her books.
- at the moment, for example, the listing of her earthsea trilogy (plus later titles) is split because not all titles were accorded the same version of her name when published, which isn't exactly excessively sensible - or useful.
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow Member since Jan 2011 4151 Points Moderator
I've linked le guin and k. le guin with notes in the listings, but we don't have 'pseudonyms' for books as we have for records. We don't have any Leguin entries yet but do alert us when we do :)
Please continue to link the Trilogy items (how many would there be? :) by comments
will do - am doing so - generally with sf & fantasy series, as i find them unlinked, where i know the connexions. likewise the "aka"s - the re-titlings. (or stating the information where bookcat as yet lacks the entries (items) to link to, and i don't have (or haven't had, and kept record of the vital data for) copies of the books missing, to enter them and do the links to and fro myself.)
people can't actually follow bookcat's instruction/advice that books should be entered under their author's / authors' commonest published by-line where they don't know this, nor where they don't know a by-line is a pseudonym - so this really needs to be fixable afterwards, preferably in some consistent way; and it needs to be a way that copes with "house names".