I have noticed that newcomers may be overwhelmed when trying to figure out how to do certain things on this website. I suggest adding "How to" links on the blue search bar (or whatever it is called) or somewhere easily noticeable. Everything is easy if you know how, but most newcomers do not.
For instance "How to add photos" -this is very simple once you know how.
or "How to add youtube videos" -this is very simple also but you have to know what to do and where to add them. It took me 10 months to figure this out. A simple brief explanation may be enough here.
and also "How to circle crop photos" This a harder but once you get the hang of it, it is very easy. There are plenty of videos on this subject on youtube.
I also think this would a good idea, especially if these How To Guides are short and placed in a conspicuous, easy to find place. There'll still be the kind of people who never read instructions, but some would be helped for sure.
Is there a Youtube link on circle cropping, Bob, that you found particularly helpful and would recommend for inclusion in such a guide?
Here is a video on how to crop circles that may be ok. I am sure that there are better ones out there. Even if just a few people learn this right away, it takes a lot of work away from the moderators. If we can make it as easy as possible to add things, I think that we may have more dedicated contributors.
There are many different photo editing systems out there. The video referred to above may not help all who watch it.