Interesting article with great pictures. And yet, I find it difficult to understand the attraction of watching a movie surrounded by smelly cars. With the windows open to attach a speaker, there wouldn't have been that much privacy, and in winter, it would have been miserable to sit there in the cold.
So many questions, so few answers Member since Nov 2010 878 Points Moderator
December 1992 we did five weeks driving around Florida and never came across a drive-in, just to see what they were like, must have passed their prime by the 90s.
Turning rebellion into money since 1962 Member since Nov 2009 6570 Points Moderator
I remember being taken to a drive-in on a regular basis with my parents whilst living in Adelaide in the very late 60s. For me and my sister we always went in PJ's with pillows & a blanket; she was normally asleep as soon as we got there and I then jumped in the front with my parents to watch the movie.