As You Wish, Puny God Member since Nov 2015 752 Points
At one point I was a serious collector of books. Not anything special, I just bought books, read 'em and put them on a shelf.
I ended up with what must have been 4,500 to 5,000 books. All different topics, sizes and a mix of paperback and hardback.
The I got divorced and had to move away for work - and to a much smaller place where I didn't have room for the 'library'. So, I got rid of the vast majority of books and now have probably less than 100.
Which brings me to my point and question.
Having learned my lesson, books like Vinyl, take up LOTS of space, so I now buy the majority of my reading matter on Kindle.
What's the feeling about adding books purchased on Kindle to the Book world? After all, they are books, just not printed on paper!
"..all the cats, you know who they are.. " Member since Nov 2010 973 Points
My feeling is that, with a few exceptions like gigs and tv/film, it's about physical collections. With downloads, including book content for e-readers, it concerns just the reading of the book,not collecting specific editions (that 'awful ' compulsion!) Perhaps the answer lies in a comment someone once posted on the book site, suggesting a 'read it' button option alongside the 'own it' ?
I suppose the difference between paper books and Kindle books is parallel to the differece between CDs and downloads. They aren't treated as the same thing on these sites. (You could start a Space for them though!)