I'm new to 45worlds and just added my first Elvis Presley LP but have had problems with the addition of images. The guidance on adding images says that the system will automatically adjust the images to fit, but my covers have come out undersize, and the labels have not been cropped to remove the black vinyl.
In-house specialist in drive-by moddings. Member since Dec 2012 3719 Points Moderator
Welcome aboard!
The images show OK (size-wise) on the entry as far as I can see. The links you've posted are to the thumbnail images used on the front page.
As to the second point, the site doesn't crop out anything; that has to be done beforehand by the member submitting the images. There are various techniques for doing this depending on which software you use.
(The same applies to the cover images: you should crop the image to just the cover rather than have a lot of whitespace around it).
(Don't worry about the ones you've submitted already; mods can make the changes manually).
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow Member since Jan 2011 4151 Points Moderator
Thanks for your first contributed record Chris. I have linked it to the 1974 release and thanks to your correction request I have moved the other label images to your record.
I used to have a good memory but now I can't re Member since May 2011 5172 Points Moderator
As a piece of advice, I try to keep my images quite large. It's better to start with very big images (over 1mb) in order to achieve maximum quality. The images will be reduced automatically as they are uploaded in order to hit the maximum size for maxiumum clarity. If you start with lower quality images, by definition, they will stay the same size because they will start being below the maximum threshold for the site.