"..all the cats, you know who they are.. " Member since Nov 2010 972 Points
I wondered what the situation was regarding unreleased records. I have noticed records on 45cat that are unissued and still listed for completion reasons.
I entered the details for an unreleased Television Personalities album, Auto des Schreckens, for which I know the label and allocated cat.no. Unfortunately, after entering the details, along with a link to its backstory, I found I couldn't close the entry without supplying track detail. This obviously makes sense for a regular entry, so I wondered if there was a way around this, or is this something I should avoid. I do also apologise if this had been raised before and I've missed the outcome. Thanks!
Crates Are For Digging Member since Aug 2012 25504 Points Moderator
As long as you add something in the track slot i.e Unknown then the record can be added. As to whether you should myself I'm happy to see info about unreleased records and so are the Admins of the site.
"..all the cats, you know who they are.. " Member since Nov 2010 972 Points
Hi, yeah this was one of my issues. Two of the three entries for the TVPs on 45cat don't indicate reaching TP. Quite often in label discographies there are missing catalogue numbers to be accounted for. Label (and artist) collectors, train-spotter types of which I imagine there are a few using this site (guilty!) often don't feel satisfied until the gaps are filled; hence the original post. Maybe just as long as the status of the record is clearly UNRELEASED?
Obviously this isn't a big deal and not worthy of a major discussion on the forum, just wondered whether to do it or not. As the two replies I've had bring me back to where I was I'll hold off! Thanks though.
Crates Are For Digging Member since Aug 2012 25504 Points Moderator
We do add records that don't exist that is why there is the Unicorn symbol on 45cat. obviously there should be some evidence that it could have existed but is Unreleased (this is a drop down option when adding a record) which you have provided so please go ahead and add.
I wondered about adding Wire's 154 album under the catalogue number SHVL 819. That catalogue number is stamped in the inner groove on both sides of the album, lined out with the SHSP number the album was issued as.
I don't know if test pressings were made with the SHVL catalogue number, but would explain the gap between SHVL 818 and 820 numbering as no other album was given the SHVL 819 number.
Crates Are For Digging Member since Aug 2012 25504 Points Moderator
Not sure on the Wire if the cat. No. is in the dead wax of the released album crossed out, without further info it just means they changed the Cat. No. for some reason and did not reuse the other number.