Just getting started with listing my CD's. It is a lot of work as so many of them aren't yet listed. My eventual aim is to furnish myself with a spreadsheet with all the tracks. So I am curious- when I download a CSV file, will it include all the tracks or only the titles? If it won't, I'll have to find another way- hate to do everything twice if I can avoid it, but if I must, I must...
That's unfortunate. Not sure what I'm going to do- "Notes" is utterly inadequate from a search POV to my needs. ah, well, I'll figure something out, but maybe not here.
Given the pain of entering the CDs in the first place one can pre-prep them in excel with the cat number and/or barcode against each track. this can then have a lookup (exact) function done on another page to bring up all the track details. The idea for the 'my collection' and discogs is much the same . is to find which CDs you have - or want, when going around record fairs and so on adding to your collection with your purchases.
Somewhere I have and old database program in Dos (we discussed such things on 45cat some years ago), on a floppy - I didnt use it as such - V-Cat? and A-Cat ? for entering details of Videos and Albums that one owned.
Given- supposedly I-Tunes and Amazon have Correct (?!) track listings is it that important. It is a pity a lot of the mixed databases on the net are not open source (unlike , say TfL data) for folk to write front ends to to do data extract to apps or programs as they would like to.