Brenda, can I speak to your manager! Member since Aug 2020 2925 Points
Hi Everyone
Apologies if this has been raised before, but I've just crash landed here from Filmogs.
As I am starting to slowly re-do my collection here, I'm not sure how I would enter DVDs such as "Collected Works" of a director (short films and music videos etc.)
How should things like "The Work of Director Chris Cunningham" be entered -
This is a mixture of short films, music videos, TV commercials etc.
I have multiple DVDs in this "director's series" to enter
At the moment (happy to be corrected if I am wrong) I can enter the short films on the cinema world, but there is nothing for music videos to attach as a title
Should it be generically entered with nothing attached and all content listed in notes, or what? happy to discuss/do as I'm told ;-)
I know that with standard DVD's and such, TV spots and music videos would be simply considered bonus content which can be described in the Notes field, which is always a good place to plug in a disc or set's description outside the realm of feature film(s) and shorts.
"generically entered with nothing attached and all content listed in notes, or what"
^ yes this sounds the correct approach here, and if one of the movies on the disc has been added to Cinema World, then add you can "Add Missing Info" > "Add Title" to link them