What was the outcome of this? I agree with the sentiment that it can be hard to separate books from magazines in some cases. For example, McSweeney publications are technically magazines even though at times they are published as hardcover books. The recent trend towards "bookazines" has muddied the waters further. I've never contributed to Magazines World but I have entered a handful of publications that walk the line in books - I generally use the rule of thumb if it's got an ISBN and is clearly not a periodical.
No picture 'cos I'm not into 45rpm :( Member since Jan 2013 3479 Points Moderator
HOOK45 wrote:
A moderator must explain that he must upload his Railroad Magazines to Magazines World..
This was done 9 months ago when it was first noticed by moderators.
HOOK45 wrote:
The hundreds of magazines uploaded to BOOKS must be deleted.
Moderators do not delete entries unless we have very good reasons to do so. If an entry disappears, it is usually because the same entry has already been made, and the entry has been merged with an earlier entry. Moderators cannot move an entry to a different world.