I wanna eat an artichoke once in a while Member since Feb 2008 25453 Points Administrator
We're happy to announce a new Sales Forum for people wishing to buy/sell on 45cat and 45worlds.
There are no sales fee to post on the sales forum, though only subscribers can post items for sale.
You cannot reply to sales posts - Use the PM system instead
We encourage communication between buyers and sellers; sending photos of the item for sale is a good idea to assure trust in the buyer and to avoid grading disputes.
45cat/45worlds is only acting as a middleman; we are putting buyers and sellers in contact with each other. Any negotiations must be dealt with between members via PM and with PayPal if there is a dispute. We strongly recommend that buyers use PayPal, never use other payment methods such as bank transfer.
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow Member since Jan 2011 4151 Points Moderator
No, there's no need to be a subscriber. If you logout you can still see the Sales forum and the offers being made there but you'll have to login to send a PM to the seller