Last night, I started a new list here for myself. Just now, I started adding records to it. The header on the list claims there's now 2 records in the list but, nothing is actually showing up IN the list! Why?? If I go back to the page where those records are on the site, it clearly says they ARE in my list but, they AREN'T!
I'm PRETTY DAMN SURE that, when I create4d this list last night, I selected the entries to be listed in order via artist! Thinking that, maybe I didn't, I decided to see if I did or, add that option to the list and maybe that'd fix the problem. I go to that menu and find there IS NO option in it to list as artist but, for SOME reason, there IS an option to list things via movie title!! Is this because I'm compiling a list of psych albums?? Or did M. C. Esher just take over the site?? "It's up in the basement, Ill go down to the attic and look for it!"
I knew I should've started taking drugs before I came here!
BLANK Member since Jun 2011 45799 Points Moderator
It would help if you said the name of the list you're referring to. I can see you have one "list" with 2 items in it. And it's M. C. Escher by the way..
It would help if you said the name of the list you're referring to. I can see you have one "list" with 2 items in it. And it's M. C. Escher by the way..
It's just called, "Psych list". It's now got 11 albums in it, Jimi, animals, Chamaeleon Church and a couple others and, still nothing has shown up on the list page!
Sometimes I type letters that this keyboard refuses to type. If I want a single O or L, I get double, if I want double, I get single and it rarely ever capitalizes unless I pound the hell out of the shift keys! It's a major painus in the anus!! It takes me twice as long to write anything because I have to fix all the mistakes I didn't make.
Last night, I started a new list here for myself. Just now, I started adding records to it. The header on the list claims there's now 2 records in the list but, nothing is actually showing up IN the list! Why?? If I go back to the page where those records are on the site, it clearly says they ARE in my list but, they AREN'T!
Last night, I started a new list here for myself. Just now, I started adding records to it. The header on the list claims there's now 2 records in the list but, nothing is actually showing up IN the list! Why?? If I go back to the page where those records are on the site, it clearly says they ARE in my list but, they AREN'T!