...why it is that, even on mint condition copies of albums, the run-in groove sounds terrible a few seconds in?
Sometimes, when I get an album with lots of run-in grooves (or, like in case of George Harrison's, "Wonderwall Music" or King Crimson's, "U.S.A.", which both start playing IN the run-in grooves), I'll try to start the needle at the VERY edge of the record and let it ride up over the rise and back down into the playing surface and, it sounds very clean for the first revolution until it hits the top of the rise where the sound gets horrible for a couple seconds before it cleans up, again. Why does the sound get so bad in just that one area, even when the record has just come out of a sealed cover? What's in the groove in that one revolution to make it sound so bad??
I used to have a good memory but now I can't re Member since May 2011 5140 Points Moderator
It may be that that is where people hold the record with greasy fingers as they put it on the record player. If it's a problem, then clean that area with your preferred method (I have my own recommendations) and you'll find it plays better.
It may be that that is where people hold the record with greasy fingers as they put it on the record player. If it's a problem, then clean that area with your preferred method (I have my own recommendations) and you'll find it plays better.
a happy disposition is an omnious sign.... Member since Feb 2010 1710 Points Moderator
simple answer is :
the recorded music track includes silence at the begining and end, but prior to this is a section of track that doesnt have the recorded track on it?
simple answer is :
the recorded music track includes silence at the begining and end, but prior to this is a section of track that doesn't have the recorded track on it?
I'm not sure what you mean.
As far as I know, they start the cutter going at the very edge of the blank record and, once it cuts a certain amount of grooves into the run-in, they'll start the tape and the cutter starts cutting the recording in. So, how does that terrible section of groove get there only on the rise if there's nothing cut into it? It's as silent as the rest of the run-in.