We were playing a gig at The Upstage one night in the mid to late `80's and, while we were setting up, someone was playing records over the P. A.. One that came on was a fairly grungey electronic thing and the only vocals were some guy with a gruff, snarling voice (who sounded kind of German) repeating the word, "Einstein, Einstein". A few seconds later, he'd repeat it again. I asked if anyone knew who that was (the band) and someone said it was Shreikbach, or some other famous mid to late `80's German name that I can't recall at the moment. I've looked for a copy of it al over the place and haven't found it anywhere.
For some reason, I keep thinking Barry Andrews was in the band.
oh well, la di da Member since Aug 2013 1346 Points
maybe he was desperate for a beer, "Ein Stiens!".
Barry Andrews is in Shriekback, the band went through a lot of different styles ranging from post punk to ambient, but at the end of the 80s I think that they were getting to be more techno/rave/electro.
Absolutely not. I even bought this record thinking it might've been that one.
The song I'm talking about has a very abrasive type of music to it, kinda like the harsher bits of "Relax" by Frankie Goes To Hollywood only twice as brash as that. You might even cal it, "industrial", and the only vocals that I know of just have some guy saying, 'Einstein! Einstein!" after every 4 to 8 bars.
If that ain't it, it's VERY close!! I only heard that one time and, from what I recall, the vocals were exactly like that but more aggressive and so was the music.
Yes, quite sure! I'm pretty sure I know the name of the band but, I just CAN'T latch onto it in my head! It's one of those deals where I already said it to myself before I asked the question and then forgot what it was! Like, a few weeks ago, I was thinking about someone I used to work with in the early `90's, Jacquie Harris, and I said her name to myself! A week or so later, I was trying to come up with her name again and drew a complete blank!! After about an hour, I remembered that her hubby was named, Speedy (that's what she always called him). A good while later, I remembered that her last name was, Harris. A few days later, without even trying, I remembered her first name was Jacquie! So, maybe in a week or so, I'll be thinking of something else and the name of this band will pop into my head. I don't remember ever hearing of The Beat Box Boys before a few minutes ago.
Self praise is no recommendation. Member since Oct 2011 45656 Points Moderator
Break-In Master wrote:
Charlie Chalk wrote:
If that ain't it, it's VERY close!! I only heard that one time and, from what I recall, the vocals were exactly like that but more aggressive and so was the music.
If that ain't it, it's VERY close!! I only heard that one time and, from what I recall, the vocals were exactly like that but more aggressive and so was the music.