In the last film they reveal that Daniel Craig Farthered a Girl. She will grow up to be the next Bond.
Nobody wants to see Phoebe Waller-Bridge as Bond or Indiana Jones. I know it is a character and can embody anyone, but a neurotic, sex-obsessed feminist is hardly the embodiment of the suave, cool hero.
In the last film they reveal that Daniel Craig Farthered a Girl. She will grow up to be the next Bond.
Doubtful. The Craig films formed a closed arc. The next Bond will be another start-from-scratch reboot like they did with Craig, though hopefully they won't do an origin story again, just bring in the new Bond as an experienced agent, mid-career, like they did with Connery in Dr. No.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3773 Points Moderator
I'm pretty much done with this franchise...
...Except to say that the next step is pretty obvious when you think about it, and pretty much writes itself...
(Here comes my movie pitch!)
Title should simply be called:
...And that's what the plot should be too; You simply gather all the talked about potential bonds together in one room: Cavil, Elba, Huddlestone etc. And M...
(And maybe his brother M (M&M... )..... >Insert tumbleweed here<)
...Just tells them they are are potentially recruited, if they can slug it out between themselves for the privilege. Last man standing becomes the new Bond / 007.
You can kill them off one by one, and have the twist that one of them is actually the villain! - but whodunnit!?!
Just basically make the movie about the sub-sport of the whole: "Who's the next Bond?" nonsense we keep having to go through every few years...very meta.
This comment marked as Spam. Please press Not Spam Member since Aug 2012 500 Points
Seems silly how they kept having him resign only to come back. Now they killed him. I theorize they will show that he did not really die on that island.
I say just keep it to a normal white man, because that is the character.
But in Canada now you can get arrested for disagreeing with trans-gender.
I've also lost enthusiasm for the Bond films under Craig. I can say I actually did not "enjoy" a single one of them. The only bright spot was Olga Kurylenko in Quantum Of Solace.
He's too old to start in the role, unfortunately. Yeah I know Roger Moore was actually older than Connery when he started as Bond, but the producers are saying they want someone who can commit for a decade (if not more). That would put Elba well into this 60s. But I would love to see Elba as a villain, or M. Or maybe something different like a retired agent who formerly held the 007 number teaming up with his successor.
Seems silly how they kept having him resign only to come back. Now they killed him. I theorize they will show that he did not really die on that island.
I doubt it. I think they'll do a full reboot like they did with Craig to start with. This would be a great opportunity to try something really different like make a series of films set in the 1950s era of the early novels. (Though the fact UK media is reporting that they're going to be "Roald Dahl'd" in their next editions makes that unlikely.)
Caddacack oh da ca-caddacack, shy shy skagellack Member since Jun 2010 4188 Points
George Slv wrote:
23skidoo wrote:
UK media is reporting that they're going to be "Roald Dahl'd" in their next editions
Do you mean censored by the Woke mob? Dahl's publisher is changing his books after his death. Don't the author's heirs hold copyright?
I hate that W word!
Yes, it looks like the books are going to be rewritten! My politics are left of centre but abhor this revisionism!
Yes, the views are apparently not in step with today's standards but this is trying to change history! Leave them as they are, museum pieces, and move on!
This comment marked as Spam. Please press Not Spam Member since Aug 2012 500 Points
I don't know why fools think they have to comply with every Leftist extremism. I'm not impressed with Barbara Broccoli's leadership. Just stick to your thing and keep working.
I have no enthusiasm for the next round of Bond films.
Yes, the views are apparently not in step with today's standards but this is trying to change history! Leave them as they are, museum pieces, and move on!
That's the thing. If the contents are so offensive (Dahl, Fleming, Christie others) then retire them. One good thing about the censoring is it's driving people to second-hand bookshops to find older editions. If they get more business, I'm happy.