Remember the good old 1980's? Member since Sep 2011 7797 Points
In Vinyl Album World 'Album Title' is one option from the drop-down menu and 'CD Title' in CD Album World, but we don't seem to have it over in Tape Media World. Is it possible to add it as the album title is one of the things I look for before adding a new tape.
Crates Are For Digging Member since Aug 2012 25530 Points Moderator
It's probably due too originally it was a cassingle only world when the title search wouldn't of been much use but would agree now albums have taken over as the majority format it would be a useful addition.
Remember the good old 1980's? Member since Sep 2011 7797 Points
Where's that? It's not an option from the drop-down menu in the blue banner or from 'Search' in the 'Home' 'Explore' 'Search' 'Add' 'Item' 'Forums' 'Members' list either.
Crates Are For Digging Member since Aug 2012 25530 Points Moderator
I believe there's confusion on this, as I understand it, what Malcyramone is requesting is the ability to search the Tape Media entries by title not the ability to add a title to a tape which is already catered for.