I recently contacted The British Library with my Wants List of 36 Titles and was told that to make mp3s of what they had (they did not have them all) would cost me a total of £432 including VAT…..This is a somewhat large amount to pay out at one go especially as I am a disabled pensioner with several Dogs to support !!!.....It got me thinking that if any members had any of my wanted titles I would be willing to pay a contribution to them or their nominated charity…..It is not even the actual physical record either as I would be happy with a recorded copy of good quality….I have collected a vast amount of sides recorded between 1940 – 1949 and it is my intention, once the archive is complete, to make it available to all members without cost so that they would be spared hunting high & low as I have had to do…..What do you think ?.....One last push for these missing 36 titles !!.....I will send the complete list to any who reply or express an interest in helping.
I’d chip in a tenner for you to get the British Library recordings transferred. I imagine that if members had any of the recordings you needed, they would have mentioned it, although I know not everyone can do transfers. Or even knows where all their records are!
Btw, I think the BL would do WAV files or a CD-R, rather than mp3. The latter is compressed, not full quality.
Many thanks for the reply and your kind offer but I could not possibly accept that....I really do appreciate it though......I think that you may be right about the fact that I may have exhausted everyone's collection and may have to think of new avenues....1940-1949 is almost 2,000 records and yet so near, so far with these 36.....The BM also had less than 20 of them but they stated that they charge by the time it takes and not quantity
a happy disposition is an omnious sign.... Member since Feb 2010 1707 Points Moderator
This is a long shot but have you tried looking on the USA Congressional Library ? I seem to remember that The USA has a large online already digitalised 78's library, there maybe a number UK recordings in it, you'll need to dig on google
This is a long shot but have you tried looking on the USA Congressional Library ? I seem to remember that The USA has a large online already digitalised 78's library, there maybe a number UK recordings in it, you'll need to dig on google
I've searched for them all on the Internet Archive and none are on there but I will try all the others, many thanks......Just 36 to go from nearly 2,000
Hi Mike. I agree that you've probably exhausted the collections of members here (at least those who browse the forums). In terms of other places to ask, I seem to remember you saying that you were thinking of placing an advert in Memory Lane magazine, although I think they were quoting £75 (presumably for a full page advert) which might have put you off. However, I believe you can place a smaller advert for just £5 (in the "Mini Displays" section - see here). You only get 40 words, so you couldn't put the whole list in, but maybe just a few that you've been looking for for the longest time, or just a more general appeal for e.g. Turner Layton records, given he makes up a fair proportion of your list.
In terms of other 78-oriented forums, there don't seem to be many that are particularly active (not surprisingly!), but the following might be worth asking on if you haven't already:
The Talking Machine Forum (https://forum.talkingmachine.info). This has a fairly active Music sub-forum, and also a (less active) "UK/European trader" subforum for wanted/sales ads.
UK Vintage Radio Repair & Restoration forum (https://www.vintage-radio.net/forum/index.php).Despite the name, this does have a vintage audio section, where there are occasional threads about 78 collecting, although it's mainly technical discussions about gramophones. It is a UK audience though, which is a plus.
I'm not personally familiar with any of these forums, so it may be that they don't allow "wants lists" type posts, but I'd say it's worth a shot. Worst case scenario the post gets deleted. Otherwise, the British Library may indeed be your only option.
I used to post at the Steve Hoffman forums. I wouldn’t think the Music Corner was the place for a wants list. I agree that a Memory Lane advert would be a good idea. I have had some responses to my Mini Display adverts in the past. Although one reader had some records I was after and hadn’t bothered to get in touch! I bought them off him. I’ve also advertised in For the Record, the magazine for members of the City of London Phonograph and Gramophone Society. Members get a free display advert. There are some adverts on the website (see Adverts section), but they don’t seem to be updated very often, and it would only attract people who actually make the effort to look, unlike in a magazine. You could try contacting dealer Mike Comber, see the CLPGS website. He mentions wants lists.
Philip Hutchinson, who runs Philip’s 78s Graveyard on eBay, may also be worth contacting with your list. philips graveyard
There is also the King’s College Sound Archive, though I think they charge similar rates to the British Library.
I wonder if I should try the Talking Machine forum for my wants list!
I used to post at the Steve Hoffman forums. I wouldn’t think the Music Corner was the place for a wants list. I agree that a Memory Lane advert would be a good idea. I have had some responses to my Mini Display adverts in the past. Although one reader had some records I was after and hadn’t bothered to get in touch! I bought them off him. I’ve also advertised in For the Record, the magazine for members of the City of London Phonograph and Gramophone Society. Members get a free display advert. There are some adverts on the website (see Adverts section), but they don’t seem to be updated very often, and it would only attract people who actually make the effort to look, unlike in a magazine. You could try contacting dealer Mike Comber, see [url] https://www.clpgs.org.uk/trade.html[/url]. He mentions wants lists.
Philip Hutchinson, who runs Philip’s 78s Graveyard on eBay, may also be worth contacting with your list. philips Graveyard
There is also the King’s College Sound Archive, though I think they charge similar rates to the British Library.
I wonder if I should try the Talking Machine forum for my wants list!
I've done the advert for Memory Lane magazine......£75 but if a get a few will be worth it.....So frustrating to be so near, I get up each morning saying to myself, this will be the day.......
Hi Mike. I agree that you've probably exhausted the collections of members here (at least those who browse the forums). In terms of other places to ask, I seem to remember you saying that you were thinking of placing an advert in Memory Lane magazine, although I think they were quoting £75 (presumably for a full page advert) which might have put you off. However, I believe you can place a smaller advert for just £5 (in the "Mini Displays" section - see here). You only get 40 words, so you couldn't put the whole list in, but maybe just a few that you've been looking for for the longest time, or just a more general appeal for e.g. Turner Layton records, given he makes up a fair proportion of your list.
In terms of other 78-oriented forums, there don't seem to be many that are particularly active (not surprisingly!), but the following might be worth asking on if you haven't already:
The Talking Machine Forum (https://forum.talkingmachine.info). This has a fairly active Music sub-forum, and also a (less active) "UK/European trader" subforum for wanted/sales ads.
UK Vintage Radio Repair & Restoration forum (https://www.vintage-radio.net/forum/index.php).Despite the name, this does have a vintage audio section, where there are occasional threads about 78 collecting, although it's mainly technical discussions about gramophones. It is a UK audience though, which is a plus.
I'm not personally familiar with any of these forums, so it may be that they don't allow "wants lists" type posts, but I'd say it's worth a shot. Worst case scenario the post gets deleted. Otherwise, the British Library may indeed be your only option.
I've done the advert for Memory Lane magazine......£75 but if a get a few will be worth it.....So frustrating to be so near, I get up each morning saying to myself, this will be the day.......
Sorry chaps just had to Mod some links in your posts because the page formatting went strange (again).
Yes, I noticed my links hadn’t posted correctly. Even after fixing them, the page requires landscape scrolling. Maybe because on the mobile site, the URL button doesn’t give you the option to add a title, it just posts the link, which can be quite long.
a happy disposition is an omnious sign.... Member since Feb 2010 1707 Points Moderator
Thats a good spot TMG.
I have to replace the actual square brackets with words here otherwise you wont be able to see it but the way to do this manually, is when you click the link button above which gives you the code : (open square bracket) URL= ...(you put the actual link here).....URL (closed square bracket)(forward slash
is to insert the website name, after you paste your link add this extra bit
(open square braket) URL= ...(you put the actual link here).....URL (closed square bracket)WEBSITE NAME(closed square bracket)(forward slash)URL(closed square bracket)