Let's make it Better! Member since Jun 2012 12546 Points
I need a refresher regarding BMG and Columbia House releases that have the same cat#, but [usually] not the matching barcode, as the regular releases. Do we add the parts that differ onto the page with the regular release, or start over with a new page?
Thanks in advance.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3773 Points Moderator
Sometimes the club edition will have the cat for the retail issue as well as the club number - in order to distinguish, go for the club number as primary / first cat number, then add the other cat number as secondary / other by way of: "add missing info" at bottom of finished page.
Let's make it Better! Member since Jun 2012 12546 Points
Ok, thanks. That's when I'm making a new page. What about when there is no club cat#, the only cat# matches an item already in the Worlds, but the barcode is different? I'm guessing that will also be a new page.
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3773 Points Moderator
Yes, sorry for the delay in response...
...In a nutshell, we want different entry pages for different items - the assignation of a new barcode and / or cat are principle ways of determining that the issuing label deems it a new and separate product / item, even if it is the same album title they may define it as a new product - remastering, for instance, may make it legally a new product, with new copyrights etc. (whereby, the new issue, in remastered form, may be considered a new product).
This also applies to club editions, as these have such distinctions in order that they (and we) know, it is a separate item from the commercial / retail issue.
...But it's not just for these pedantic details we do this, but also considering this site is for collectors and those interested in which particular version, edition, or issue they may have, for whatever reason they want to know such things, and so better helps identify these particulars if on separate pages.
One example of why we want club editions separate and distinct, is that because of the club number in place of barcode that they have, they can be mistaken for pre-barcode items / early issues of CDs, which are, a specific area of interest for some collectors, both of CDs themselves, and those wishing to find pre-mastered or analogue to digital "flat" transfers of the music they want in it's original form, as it was when first issued on vinyl say (but in clean digital format - the old: AAD / ADD or DDD info (in a box on back of many CDs until recent years...
...The unaware may buy a CD which is actually a club edition thinking it's a pre-barcode issue, in order to get this earlier AAD version, but in fact have a remastered club edition instead.