I added several Julian Cope related CDs to the database on the 10th March. As I was scanning them to add images, I noticed six had gone missing. These are
-Julian Cope - Rite^2 - Head Heritage HH1
-Julian Cope - Rite At Ya - Head Heritage HH28
-Judge Barry Hertzog - 4Zero FZ018
-Nurse With Mound - Lord Yatesbury LY17A
-Brits Abroad - Lord Yatesbury LY1
-Vesuvio - Trilithon Label
Were these submissions removed, or have they simply disappeared? Would be helpful to know as I haven't received a message that I'd made errors.
For the avoidance of doubt, these are all official releases either sold on Julian's website or at tour dates I attended. I now have scans to add of all of them too.
Also, can someone link me a forum thread/page about image submissions?