a happy disposition is an omnious sign.... Member since Feb 2010 1710 Points Moderator
Photoshop tips if you taking photos as described in my previous post,
Take the photo so there is plenty of room around the sleeve.
Crop to 800 px x 800 px and leave a narrow border around the sleeve.
Adjust the picture at this point so at least the bottom of the record is mostly horizontal.
What you notice now is the slight distortion of the edges of the sleeve, this is unavoidable perpective which makes the edges slightly bow outwards.
Select the Polygonal Lasso tool, start at the lower left sleeve corner, hold SHIFT, and 'draw' across the sleeveto RH corner, then up, then across the top to the left, when you reach top left, hover your cursor inside the imaginary square you have just drawn and Photoshop will autocomplete the square for you [shows a dotted box].
Right click inside the dotted box and select "select inverse" and press the Delete key, you should now have a record sleeve with straight edges surrounded by a white border.
From the menu select Image > Trim > OK
save as a Jpeg.
It takes a bit of practice, heres my best one so far
I was in love with 45cat, and I just discovered 45worlds and I'm full of joy :)
I happen to have access to a A3 scanner at work. As you all know 12'' sleeves are just a little bit too big for them, but you can work your way around most of the times:
-Place the 12'' sleeve in the scanner in a position where the portion that is gonna be out of the range of the scanner is not too important (i.e. a colour surface or white border, etc...)
-Scan the sleeve
-In Photoshop, choose Canvas Size and after clicking the proper anchor ("arrowed square"), enlarge the height or width by 102 percents.
-Therefore you'll obtain the full canvas for the sleeve. All you have to do now is fill the missing area with the proper material. A lot of the times it will be some plain colour (black or white), or you can sample the facing area of the sleeve and mirror it, if it's a pattern, etc.... Use your imagination !
It would be great if everyone using A3 scanners on the site could take the time to do this trick the best they can. I know I will try everytime.
You can view my first attempt at Paul McCartney's UK 12'' for "Put it there".
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7271 Points Moderator
Hmmm, just to say I've aborted the back cover as it was blurred - I guess the key is to have a steady camera hand for the initial pic! Still, easy to take it again, and even starting from scratch this is way quicker than scanning,
ALTHOUGH clearly a scan will ALWAYS be the best option if you can...
You are Soooooo!. Right nboldock. Much easier. You need to hold the Phone Steady. Only You are holding It one end and Pushing down at the Other to take the Shot. In that time You've knocked It out of shape. What You need Is one of those Leads With the Button on so You are not Pressing the Phone Anywhere. Also the colors are the True ones Using this Method. Will Persist till I Find a Method of doing that. H.