Matthew 7:7 Member since Nov 2008 3210 Points Moderator
Well, that's the kind of 0.1% exception to rule area that'll always come up whatever is decided, and not knowing exactly how long it is means it's difficult to say. However, as it is still 45rpm, I'd say include it.
Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink. Member since Feb 2012 7293 Points Moderator
Dr Doom wrote:
I'd say if the overall running time is over 25 minutes then it's an album and should be held back for album world.
Sorry for the delay in answering this.
I agree with this (especially given the number of tracks as well)... and before anyone asks, I'd say the same about "Feeding Of The 5000" as well... [awaits backlash]...
No arguments with that from me, Billy. On the other side of the coin, though, what about "Smell Of Female", which was always listed on the indie albums chart (and it runs for under 25 mins)...can of worms anyone? I wouldn't be a decision maker in '12" Single World' for all the tea in China!!
Marillions market square heros 12" plays at 33rpm and the bside is about 20 mins long on its own but a s it's only one track it still counts as a single right ...
Matthew 7:7 Member since Nov 2008 3210 Points Moderator
That one's fine. It was a chart vehicle for the track Market Square Heroes, which came out on 7". There's quite a large difference between releases that are dedicated to promoting one obvious track, and the "small album" that is a collection of tracks (if you know what I'm saying...).