Retro Revival | Keeping The Faith! Member since Sep 2012 388 Points
Virtually none can be classed as "singles" though can they? I have the odd one with 3, 4 or 5 tracks which is an EP, which can be added here, but the vast majority are compilations or albums, so not?
Too Many Records , Too Little Time Member since Jan 2013 306 Points
The Oasis One that times out after 3 or 4 plays is not of album length, so (Restricted)
EP might be useful , or what about SAMPLER as a type where the CD becomes locked after x Plays?
It might also be useful somewhere to log as Bonus EP the sample/ bonus tracks that came on many newspaper giveaways as unless there is another website noting such things I would guess many of the non-single tracks and obscure named artists could disappear into obscurity.