First of two attempts at producing a prequel TV series to the 1942 classic film (the second attempt was in 1983). This series aired under the umbrella title Warner Brothers Presents as part of a rotating "wheel" of different series. Dan Seymour appeared as the bouncer Abdul in the original film and had also appeared in the later Marx Brothers spoof A Night in Casablanca. For reasons unknown the character of Renault was renamed Renald for the series.
23skidoo 17th Sep 2015
| | @Monolith, ah but if you look at their listed credits, three of them have only very minor credits which mean they may not actually be unionized yet (obviously I don't know for certain but from my research on the subject someone with only a couple credits usually aren't union yet). And the only other non-initialled Fox other than the US guy with any substantial credits is a UK actor whose credits are only for UK productions, so different union than the one MJF would belong to. |
Monolith ● 17th Sep 2015
| | @skidoo, not gonna argue with you cos I don't know the real reason, probably the man himself is the only one who does.
But according to (again) IMDB there's at least 5 actors called Michael Fox and with no middle initials. |
23skidoo 17th Sep 2015
| | @Monolith. As IMDb is not peer reviewed I usually take things posted there with a grain of salt (none of the trivia items I post when I upload shows come from there. They either come from books or cited sources. Note that IMDb itself has 2 reasons given) It is known that actors usually have to change their name if an actor of the same name is registered with the union first. The actor Michael Fox was still performing in film and TV well into the 1990s so Michael J. Fox would have been forced by SAG to change his name. Instead of going for something completely different, he did what many actors do and added an initial. He might have chosen the J based on Pollard, and I can see him avoiding using his real initial A for the reasons stated. But if there hadn't been an actor by that name already, he'd have just been known as Michael Fox. The original Michael Fox died in 1996 so I think he could drop the J. now if he wanted to. |
Monolith ● 17th Sep 2015
| | According to IMDB:
Adopted the "J." as an homage to character actor Michael J. Pollard.
According to an interview with Fox, he originally decided to use the middle initial J instead of his own A because he didn't want teen magazines to use headlines such as "Michael, A Fox!".
(His middle name being Andrew) |
23skidoo 17th Sep 2015
| | I'm about 90% certain that the Michael Fox who co-starred in this series is the reason why the other Michael Fox had to add a J. to his name. One of many DVD reissues of the original movie apparently has an episode of this included as a bonus. |