Originally broadcast as a one-hour program; later syndicated in edited half-hour installments titled Carol Burnett and Friends. A similar series, Carol & Company, aired in 1990-1991 followed by a short-lived attempt at a revival of The Carol Burnett Show itself in 1991.
Original-series cast members reunited for several retrospective specials in 1993, 2001 and 2004. The 2001 installment was a massive hit as it was one of several entertainment TV programs credited with "cheering up" American audiences in the wake of 9/11.
Although one of the show's most popular cast members, Tim Conway was originally a recurring guest star.
I'm not very happy with the quality of the title card image but that's the best version I could find from the early seasons. Wikipedia has a better quality version but I don't know if we're allowed to use it or not.