Trust me, ppint, you weren't the only one who was disappointed in this record! Pickwick, the parent label on this side of the pond, could get away with leasing early cuts by artist and repackaging them as if they were new, only for as long as music remained pretty much the same in the late fifties and early sixties.
This was the album that turned the tide on budget record companies. As I point out in "Rock Rarities for a Song," the early "Tom and Jerry" cuts on this LP sounded nothing like the folk-rock tunes performed by the duo when they became Simon and Garfunkel. Their lawyers threatened to sue, the big US chain Sears-Roebuck pulled the album and Pickwick realized it had gone too far by using such a misleading cover. This YouTube link shows what they really looked and sounded like when they originally recorded the cuts on the Pickwick/Allegro LPs!
very unimpressed with this, yr hmbl srppnt. gave this & another budget-line lp similarly misleadingly-packaged (in that case, to look like a sandy denny album), to brian mcardle, then resident in one of the post-graduate shared houses on heslington campus (university of york), near the retreat. . .