AFL1-0097 (1975) Repress has non-black bordered front cover, changed prefix on catalogue numbers, inner left side of gatefold has an added photo and RE-2
Added a second front cover image complete with promotional sticker listing song titles smack dab over the album title! Also added back cover, gatefold, inner sleeve and label images. According to the SteveHoffman forums website the buttons that Harry wears on the cover "shows him wearing two lapel buttons; the upper one features Frank Wills, the security guard at the Watergate Hotel whose discovery of a June 1972 break-in was now in the process of ending the Nixon Administration. The lower one features Harry's son, Zak. The original button(s) Harry wore featured John Lennon and Paul McCartney, but was later retouched, as no doubt was the flame alight on Harry's thumb." I have never been able to find an unretouched photo showing the original buttons.