Added Labels with text variation.
Note the variation regarding Catalogue Number between Front Cover, Rear Cover and Labels - Front Cover says "BLPS-218", Rear Cover says "BLB 218" and Labels say "BLP 218"
Reviewoverlaps a lot with decca's "t.b. sheets" - which is a lot later, so bert berns can't fairly be blamed for that.
these tracks were recorded by van morrison for bert berns in new york, whither he'd imported the then current line-up of them, who were on the verge of breaking up (as ever), with an eye on getting their lead singer into the recording studio on his own. berns was the founder-owner of bang! records, as well as a sought-after soul/r&b/pop singles producer whose mindset was focused on the singles charts both by inclination and training - and now, perforce, of necessity: the new york banks he'd borrowed from to buy out ahmet & nesuhi ertegun required regular repayments - or else. . .
fine music, but bitty: a record of a work in transition:
van morrison was progressing from r&b/pop/r&r towards a much more jazz-influenced style of music, and, whilst still capable of short, crisp and snappy-sounding songs - "brown-eyed girl", for example - was increasingly unhappy with berns' obsessive singles charts concentration - see "madame george" & "t.b. sheets", for examples of the direction in which he was moving - and bert berns put this lps together from the tracks van morrison laid down before he left, something he was less than entirely gruntled by.
van morrison also received minuscule royalties from the recordings or the publishing rights to the songs, "late, or upon lawsuit, or threat of extra-legal action", which didn't increase van morrison's delight at constant requests for "brown-eyed girl" at all his live gigs for decades thereafter. . .