Vinyl Albums

Vinyl Album

Artist:The Beatles
Title:Past Masters - Volumes One & Two
Label:  Parlophone
Catalogue:BPM 1
Date:24 Oct 1988
Format:Double LP
Genre:Pop, Beat
Collection:  I Own It     I Want It 
Community: 24 Own, 6 Want
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A1The BeatlesLove Me DoLennon, McCartney7.3  Rate
A2The BeatlesFrom Me To YouLennon, McCartney8.3  Rate
A3The BeatlesThank You GirlLennon, McCartney6.0  Rate
A4The BeatlesShe Loves YouLennon, McCartney8.8  Rate
A5The BeatlesI'll Get YouLennon, McCartney7.0  Rate
A6The BeatlesI Want To Hold Your HandLennon, McCartney8.3  Rate
A7The BeatlesThis BoyLennon, McCartney7.3  Rate
A8The BeatlesKomm Gib Mir Deine HandLennon, McCartney5.7  Rate
A9The BeatlesSie Liebt DichLennon, McCartney5.7  Rate
B1The BeatlesLong Tall SallyJohnson, Penniman, Blackwell8.0  Rate
B2The BeatlesI Call Your NameLennon, McCartney7.7  Rate
B3The BeatlesSlow DownWilliams6.7  Rate
B4The BeatlesMatchboxPerkins6.0  Rate
B5The BeatlesI Feel FineLennon, McCartney9.0  Rate
B6The BeatlesShe's A WomanLennon, McCartney7.0  Rate
B7The BeatlesBad BoyWilliams6.7  Rate
B8The BeatlesYes It IsLennon, McCartney7.7  Rate
B9The BeatlesI'm DownLennon, McCartney7.0  Rate
C1The BeatlesDay TripperLennon, McCartney7.7  Rate
C2The BeatlesWe Can Work It OutLennon, McCartney8.0  Rate
C3The BeatlesPaperback WriterLennon, McCartney8.3  Rate
C4The BeatlesRainLennon, McCartney8.7  Rate
C5The BeatlesLady MadonnaLennon, McCartney8.7  Rate
C6The BeatlesThe Inner LightHarrison7.7  Rate
C7The BeatlesHey JudeLennon, McCartney8.3  Rate
C8The BeatlesRevolutionLennon, McCartney10.0  Rate
D1The BeatlesGet BackLennon, McCartney8.0  Rate
D2The BeatlesDon't Let Me DownLennon, McCartney8.3  Rate
D3The BeatlesThe Ballad Of John And YokoLennon, McCartney8.0  Rate
D4The BeatlesOld Brown ShoeHarrison7.0  Rate
D5The BeatlesAcross The UniverseLennon, McCartney7.7  Rate
D6The BeatlesLet It BeLennon, McCartney8.3  Rate
D7The BeatlesYou Know My Name (Look Up The Number)Lennon, McCartney7.7  Rate


Compilation of Non - Album Single and EP tracks. Gatefold sleeve. Tracks A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A8, A9 and D7 Mono. Track A1 is the original single version. Track D5 is the version from the Charity album "No - Ones Gonna Change Our World"


Comments and Reviews
12th Oct 2015
 The trouble is, MMT has consequently been absorbed into the album discography as if it were an actual studio album - and that's wrong. It was singles and B-sides plus an EP which together span nearly a year - and now it's supposed to be regarded as an album between Pepper and the White Album. It's just twisted the chronology for convenience sake.

12th Oct 2015
 If MMT hadn't been released on CD, ten of its eleven tracks would have had to have been on Past Masters instead. I'm struggling to see how the sanctity of the original UK discography would have been better served by shovelling the MMT EP anonymously into a now presumably triple-LP Past Masters compilation.

8th Oct 2015
 'Thank You Girl' is in mono on this issue. The 2009 remaster has the stereo mix.

Record Collector
8th Oct 2015
 As I commented earlier This year this replaced the Beatles rarities which was part part of the Beatles collection but mind you I find it a much better better compilation than rarities what I'd interesting Is that feature a stereo mix of thank you girl

Neil Forbes
27th Sep 2015
 @TP, my last post on this set was intended as a review.

27th Sep 2015
 Guys - please don't post under reviews. Use the comments section to talk. Thanks.

Neil Forbes
27th Sep 2015
For the most part, this set comprises A/B singles couplings with the exception of Tracks B1 to B4 which is the "Long Tall Sally EP in its entirety and in order of tracks. There is the odd A-side here that's missing its relevant B-side, the two German-language songs qualify as an A/B coupling as that's how they appeared on German, Swiss and Austrian Odeon label singles.

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Record Collector
27th Sep 2015
This became part of the Beatles CD collection in 1988 it replaced the Beatles rarities part of the the original collection issued in 1979 featuring thank you girl first time in stereo for the first time as it was released as a single of course in mono

✔︎ Helpful Review?

27th Sep 2015
 RC - hope you don't mind but I moved your review comment into comments. I think the review box should only be used for actual reviews - Neil's sort-of qualifies.

Record Collector
27th Sep 2015
 One interesting track is thank you girl that is in stereo but overall this is much better the rarities album that came with the original Beatles collection back in 1979

27th Sep 2015
 Actually I don't think George Martin did anything much towards Get Back/Let It Be. All of the recording was done at Apple and I think only Glyn Johns was there. He certainly prepared the provisional LP in 1969.

Neil Forbes
27th Sep 2015
 The only change I'd have made in this set is to move the German versions of She Loves You and I Want To Hold Your Hand across to the second disc in the set rather than have them so close to the original English versions.

Record Collector
27th Sep 2015
 This is the original mix the way paul wanted it before phil spector heavily over dubbed it with brass

Record Collector
27th Sep 2015
 if you watched the anthology series paul said that in a similar way

Neil Forbes
27th Sep 2015
 There was a huge fracas with management arrangements around 1969. Paul wanted his then-new in-laws, Lee and John Eastman to come in as managers but was out-voted by the other three who wanted Alan Klein. It was Klein who brought in Phil Spector to put the "Let It Be" album together. Spector got total production credit and George Martin got snubbed, yet Martin put in most of the work. Martin would've quite rightly been hacked off about that and McCartney was none too happy about it either.

27th Sep 2015
 Yeah, Let It Be and the Long and Winding Road debacle were a major kick in the teeth to Paul.

27th Sep 2015
 Yoko was a factor in the break-up, but a fairly small one in my view. It was more a question of John pulling away from the band (partly because of her of course), because he wanted to do more provocative, confrontational stuff (the Beatles vetoed "Cold Turkey" for instance). Plus George was resentful over his lack of status and respect, especially with all the songs he was then coming up with, and then there's the whole Apple/Nems/Allen Klein situation - their personal relationships just came apart. You can't blame all that on Yoko.

Record Collector
27th Sep 2015
 Actually Neil John left first because he got fed up being part of the group that was in October 1969 the group was still together until April 1970 when the Paul decided to disband the group as he said that in the wingspan documentary after hearing the let it be album mixed by phil Spector if you listen to the let it be naked it's the way Paul wanted the album in the first place

Neil Forbes
27th Sep 2015
 Because "The Compleat Beatles" was made just over a decade after the break-up, Delilah Productions were able to produce a comprehensive story of their history, but in 1982, who was to know we'd lose George Harrison to cancer in 2001? Even when the Anthology series was produced, Harrison was still with us and able to participate in that doco series. But now only two remain, Paul McCartney and Richard "Ringo Starr" Starkey. Should there be a revisiting of the story of the Fab Four, for chrissakes, keep Yoko Ono out of it! She was blamed by many for the Beatles' demise as a group, quite rightly, in my view.

Record Collector
27th Sep 2015
 You could class the documentary for the younger generation thirteen years later the Beatles anthology gives a more in depth story and who better to tell the story that the former members themselves

Neil Forbes
27th Sep 2015
 Er yeah, my mistake, but surely it should be written as MacDowell(upper-case D rather than lower-case d). The video would've been issued in 1982 but perhaps took a year or two extra to get to Australia. As I described, the first release was in stereo but with linear audio(two tracks, carrying left and right audio, along the edge of the tape) and a few years later in the Hi-Fi system(Multiplex-encoded track laid obliquely across the tape, alongside the video track).

Record Collector
27th Sep 2015
 First saw compleat (complete) Beatles back in February 1984 it came as a package with the Beatles lyric book you may noticed they over dubbed the single mix of let it be as its not the mix used in the let it be film

Record Collector
27th Sep 2015
 Don't you mean Macdowell

Neil Forbes
27th Sep 2015
 @RC, the title "Compleat Beatles" was applied to the 1982 Malcolm McLaren-narrated 2-hour documentary on the "Fab Four" charting their career from early formation through to the apparent bitter end. I have two copies, both issued by M-G-M/UA home Video on VHS, the first had a linear stereo audio track while the latter had the Hi-Fi stereo audio track. The first version would've been issued a month or so after the initial UK TV broadcast(Australian TV screenings notwithstanding) while the second Hi-Fi version would've appeared some four or five years later.

27th Sep 2015
 RC, the title "The Compleat Beatles" was a play on the Beatles name but is also a legitimate spelling:

com·pleat (kəm-plēt′)
1. Of or characterized by a highly developed or wide-ranging skill or proficiency: "The compleat speechwriter ... comes to anonymity from Harvard Law" (Israel Shenker).
2. Being an outstanding example of a kind; quintessential: "Here was the compleat modern misfit: the very air appeared to poison him; his every step looked treacherous and hard won" (Stephen Schiff).

Record Collector
27th Sep 2015
 Neil proper name is complete the name compleat is a play on the word beat

Record Collector
9th Aug 2015
 This has replaced the rarities album More up dated Beatles collection

25th Jul 2015
 Yes, MMT was released on vinyl in the UK several years beforehand, as was the former US-only "Hey Jude", and neither were part of the original UK discography. But MMT arrived on CD concurrent with the rest of the original set in the 1980s, as the only odd-man-out. Past Masters was part of the same release program, mopping up all the non-album tracks. It was at that point that MMT was absorbed into the official UK discography, so I think that decision, and the compilation of Past Masters, are inseparable.

25th Jul 2015
 The Magical Mystery Tour album was given an official UK release by Parlophone in 1976. When the Beatles' albums were first issued on CD it was decided to only release the UK catalogue worldwide with MMT the only exception. I doubt that it's inclusion had anything to do with there not being enough room on Past Masters.

25th Jul 2015
 I've never been to happy with that. EMI decided to absorb the US "Magical Mystery Tour" album into the main discography, as if it was a proper studio album. That's problematic to me, but if it was done purely for the convenience of this comp, it's doubly bad as it twists the legacy for no proper reason.

25th Jul 2015
 Yep, the EP and the 1967 singles can all be found here.

Record Collector
25th Jul 2015
 Note magical mystery tour EP track listing not encluded due to space

Record Collector
22nd Jul 2015
 Great compilation album it's now part of the remastered Beatles Collection

Neil Forbes
22nd Jul 2015
 Note the tracks B1 to B4, there you have the British "Long Tall Sally" EP in its entirety.

Record Collector
28th Jan 2015
 Yep good show

Neil Forbes
28th Jan 2015
 I'd seen the "Anthology" when it was aired here(I think on commercial TV - the ads ruined a good show). But that should not take anything away from The Compleat Beatles, which, at a shade under 2 hours, was a fairly comprehensive doco, Anthology fills in some gaps and brings the story up-to-date, or at least to the point before George passed away. That reminds me, Living In The Material World Pt.2 airs on SBS-TV this Sunday at 8.30pm( for Australian audiences).

Record Collector
28th Jan 2015
 You could say it's a documentary for younger viewers as the anthology is more in depth with the Beatles telling the story rather the narrator

Neil Forbes
28th Jan 2015
 What you were seeing there, R.C. was the last few minutes, just before the closing credits sequence, showing what happened to the members at that time(only John had gone at that time), The closing credit sequence had the song "Blackbird" playing over it.

Record Collector
28th Jan 2015
 I saw a bit of complete Beatles on video at Norman Ross at one time they were the part I saw was the clip let it be the song was over dubbed over the clip so if you see the anthology series it's a different take compare to the single release

Neil Forbes
28th Jan 2015
 If I remember what was said in The Compleat Beatles, the recording process was, in those far-off days, to simply "record direct to stereo". No mixing was done. It was like when you got your first stereo tape recorder(open-reel, then later, cassette), you'd put the two microphones as far apart as the length of their leads allowed if you were going to record a live performance. Though I'd imagine EMI's Abbey Road studio would've had some slightly-more-elaborate equipment than a domestic stereo tape recorder!

28th Jan 2015
 I always prefer stereo. It's often said that the Beatles sound terrible in stereo, and it's sometimes derided for being "fake" stereo, but I still think it sounds better and more dynamic than mono. Most of the criticisms of stereo seem to have materialised since Apple told everyone that mono was some sort of holy grail, apparently on the basis that the mono mixes were done first. Well, I say - so what? Stereo didn't wipe mono off the map for no reason!

Record Collector
28th Jan 2015
 The mono mixes are just that the way they sound if they released as a single but there are few songs on here that are in stereo although Ballard of John and yoko was first to be issued in stereo my guess

14th Jan 2015
 Probably just should have used mono until the very last side. Most of the Beatles stereo stuff sounds terrible. Not until they finally got eight tracks to work with in late 1968 does a natural stereo sound start to appear. Especially on some of the singles like I Want To Hold Your hand, Day Tripper and Paperback Writer where the mono just blows the stereo away.

Neil Forbes
14th Jan 2015
 With the obvious exception of Love Me Do(and that's the only exception unless PS I Love You is also in the set, which it isn't), then it surprises me that EMI has used Mono mixes of so many tracks on LP 1/Side 1 and that last cut on LP 2/Side 4 when the stereo versions clearly exist and have been used in other compilations.

Record Collector
14th Jan 2015
 This is the album that replaced rarities

27th Nov 2013
 Great addition Rob.

26th Nov 2013
 Label, and cover images uploaded. Image #26467, is from a later issue, and has the 'Apple' logo on the lower right back cover.

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Linked Releases

Europe - Parlophone - 1988

Greece - Parlophone - 1988

USA - Capitol - 1988

Yugoslavia - Parlophone - 1988

Brazil - Parlophone - 1989

Japan - Odeon - 1993

Russia - Santa - 1994

Europe - Parlophone - 2012

USA - Parlophone - 2012

Europe - Apple - 2014

UK - Parlophone / Apple - 2018

See Also

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The Beatles - Complete Original Recordings Of The Beatles - Parlophone - UK (1988)
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The Beatles - Complete Original Recordings Of The Beatles - Parlophone - UK (1988)
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