Thank you Mr Marmalade. I would say the linked French issue is exactly the same as this one, pressed in France but for the UK market. I would certainly suggest using Svend's superior images over mine though if the two entries were to be merged.
Around about 1984 the Everest label seems to have changed its name to Premier and maybe these '1984' labels come from that crossover period. The later Everest labels even use the same typeface as the replacement Premier label. See, for example, Everest CBR 1008 and Premier CBR 1008.
This album was definitely released in 1982 (when I purchased my copy), not 1984. The later labels seem to have misleadingly added a 1984 copyright date. The recordings themselves were actually made with the Sunsets in Holland around 1974 and were rough demos never intended for proper release. They were leased to several different labels around Europe in the early '80s when Shaky was at the height of his popularity.
I remember seeing quite a few of these kind of releases on sale in HMV back in the 90s, so they must have been legal, even if Parlophone had no input into the packaging. See also Love Me Do.