Two versions, first version uncensored, later ones censor/replace a line at the beginning of A2 and can be identified by the words 'RADIO VERSION X' in the run-out..
Added the "full liner notes" version of the interior of the L.P. sleeve along with the brown label variety that came with my copy. As this is presumably the first pressing, the brown label is presumably also the first label vs. the red one uploaded already. These all needed to be sorted out. Also, on review of The Droid's upload of the rear of the L.P. sleeve, it appears to have been "overcropped": the legend "Printed in U.S.A." (which should be at bottom right below pantleg and bass drum) is missing from the image. I found my copy at the Salvation Army in Mississauga, Ont. (although it appears to be a U.S. pressing)* in 2001 for the princely sum of $1.00. Deadwax: EKS-74042-A-(CTH) / EKS-74042-B-(CTH).
* This is my no means certain: by '69 a lot of Canadian releases do not reference the usual legend "Made in Canada" and U.S.-printed L.P. jackets do accompany Canadian releases from time to time. If any expert can confirm this as Canadian, it should be shifted to the Canuck section of MC5.
Added front cover, back cover, gatefold and side one label image. I found two copies, but unfortunately both are the "Radio Version". I know I had a "motherf#*%#r" copy of this, but will have to continue the search...