78rpm-maniac 21st Feb 2023
| | Hi Whassup.
Yes, you are right, too. Your mentioned valuation in Australian Dollar seems to be right one, not overpriced in irrational form.
It depends on the person, who is willing to pay some money for a pristine copy of that album, no question, but nobody will pay more than 3000 Euro for such a record. Nobody. Nobody is so stupid.
In case of a special issue, like my mentioned expamples, the value can rise, especially it is an acetate-dub-record, a testpressing or something like that, but never a conventional issue.
I´m also of the opinion, most of that highly prized records if they are not really special issues or real rarities are artificial overprized by slippery traders.
You can watch that phenomenon also on the well known e-commerce marketplaces like e-bay and so son.
Other example: An UK-trader, a really big fish in the field of online-traders tags a regular Dire Straits Brothers in arms UK-issue with a price-suggestion of more than 90 Euro. That says everything. |
Whassup 20th Feb 2023
| | There doesn’t seem to be anything spectacular with my issue.
Plus I am missing the inner sleeve.
Discogs selling history:-
Lowest:- $15
Median:- $69
Highest:- $105.54
These are in Aus $.
Who knows what a complete, mint condition copy would be worth?
Depends on how much someone wants to pay I suppose. |
78rpm-maniac 20th Feb 2023
| | Hi My Friend Jack, yes, you are right with your opinion and that is the same thing with my thoughts in case of the valuation system. Some people misuse it, and than we come to the problem i have mentioned. Newbies in the field of collecting vinyl-records are getting more and more confused with that unrealistic valuations.
I also asked the collector from Australia, what is special with that record. Normally it is a very common record from the early Eighties, and always easy to grab for the collection.
If it is a really special pressing, Australia only, or pre-owned by one of the bandmembers, fully autographed, test- or promotional-pressing in tiny quantities and so on, than a value can rise up for such a record, but not for a regular issue. |
My Friend Jack 20th Feb 2023
| | The words "useless" and "senseless" are more appropriately ascribed to members who enter ridiculous valuations. There's nothing wrong with the system, just the people who misuse it. You only have to click on the valuation to see who entered it and what it's based on. In this case, a member called UG1002 has entered his / her opinion as the the value of this record. Hopefully, he / she will explain the basis of the valuation... |
78rpm-maniac 19th Feb 2023
| | Hi Whassup. Ok, thanks for your statement.
It is another example for the really useless and senseless valuating-system here on the site. |
Whassup 19th Feb 2023
| | Honestly can’t explain that price tag.
Totally out of the ball park at $5000 Australian $$$.
Definitely not my doing. |
78rpm-maniac 19th Feb 2023
| | Wow, more than 3000 Euro for such a common heavy-metal record. Amazing insane.
I have no answer for that.
Is this a special Australian edition from one of the Iron Maiden-bandmembers, a testpressing, or something like that. Can anyone explain the 3000 Euro value ??? |