@ZackMcBuick - the reason I made mention of the 1984 date for reissue is it is the only one I have ever seen (back when I had my record store). Discogs http://www.discogs.com/Sonics-Here-Are-The-Sonics/release/2868700, the sonicsboom http://thesonicsboom.com/discography/here-are-the-sonics/ and Goldmine all only list a 1984 date for reissue. Not to say a 1981 one doesn't exist, I have just never seen it. This album was booted a lot, so maybe that is where it came from? Or perhaps there is a Canadian reissue?
Should we link the 1998 re-release that has four extra tracks? It is a version of the same album but a little different with the bonus tracks and different cover shot. By the way I sometimes still do Strychnine live - the song not the substance.
There is most definitely a 1981 reissue (there could also be a 1984 reissue I suppose). I remember specifically buying my re-issue copy in 1981 and also thinking that 1981 was a "golden age" of 1960's reissues. I know this also because I was in a band at the time (guest vocalist with The Mellow-beats) and we were covering The Sonics tunes as a result of the existence of this re-issue. We played the Smilin' Buddah Club, Vancouver, in June 1981 and I sang "Psycho" on stage!
Added front cover, back cover and purple label variation. I believe the reissue listed in the notes section actually was released in 1984, not 1981. Track A1 is titled "The Witch" on labels but only as "Witch" on the back cover. The Monarch Records deltas for this are:
Side One Δ 7950
Side Two Δ 7950-X.