The LP is named "It's All About" on the labels, the spine and on the rear of the sleeve so why some lists keep calling it "It's All About A Roundabout"...
There are two first design pink label variations; one with STEREO COMPATIBLE printed thereon and one without.
Produced by Jimmy Miller., Photography: Gerald Mankovitz, Engineer: Glyn Johns.
My matrix codes are
Side 1: ILP ST SC A (I'm assuming ST=Stereo, SC=Stereo compatible)
Side 2: ILP ST * B (where * is a B strikethrough or some other mess)
and there'd been a uk mono release of this lp in may 1968, that's the version yr hmbl srppnt.'d've bought - i'd've ordered it specifically, had none of my habitual & favourite record shops carried it.
there was no uk mono lp: who else'd've produced a mono mix/fold-down of the stereo, had this cut, had stampers made, etc., and island records in the uk did not ?