Very early 1980's repro of very rare L.P. issued in 1960 in the Doré label (U.S.).Tell-tale sign of repro: LP sleeve paper stock is substandard, being rather flimsy/floppy in nature and not the usual "stiff" standard seen on U.S.-issued LP's of the early 1960's. Some of the song titles vary slightly from the titles shown on 45's.
A) DORE LPD101 SIDE 1 / Δ2160 DIS →
B) DORE LPD 101 - SIDE 2 / Δ2161 DIS →
Number:494091 THUMBNAIL Uploaded By:vidman45 Description: front cover
Vidman45, I agree with you. I, too, bought this LP sometime in the late seventies or early eighties, and it was clear to me that I didn't purchase the original issue from 1960.
As the one who added this record, John's assessment is right on. The cover is folded over and very flimsy. Not at all like the cardboard covers of early 60's era. The front picture is faded, and I touched it up after scanning and stitching to make it look brighter. I did order it back in the late 70's from a dealer (in Goldmine) with the understanding that it was not an original issue. I knew that it was a reissue/repro, but did not know if it was authorized or bootleg. I used the 1960 date because I don't recall the exact year that I acquired it.