Vinyl Album A1 The Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Lennon, McCartney Rate A2 The Beatles A Little Help From My Friends Lennon, McCartney Rate A3 The Beatles Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds Lennon, McCartney Rate A4 The Beatles Getting Better Lennon, McCartney Rate A5 The Beatles Fixing A Hole Lennon, McCartney Rate A6 The Beatles She's Leaving Home Lennon, McCartney Rate A7 The Beatles Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! Lennon, McCartney Rate B1 The Beatles Within You Without You George Harrison Rate B2 The Beatles When I'm Sixty-Four Lennon, McCartney Rate B3 The Beatles Lovely Rita Lennon, McCartney Rate B4 The Beatles Good Morning, Good Morning Lennon, McCartney Rate B5 The Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) Lennon, McCartney Rate B6 The Beatles A Day In The Life Lennon, McCartney Rate
Notes Produced by George Martin
Sleeve made in UK (Garrod & Lofthouse)
Version 1: Vervaardigd in licentie door N.V. Bovema, Heemstede, Holland (rim text)
Version 2: Made in Holland (rim text)
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Linked Releases
UK - Parlophone - 1967 [Mono]
Australia - Parlophone - 1967 [Mono]
Australia - Parlophone - 1967 [Stereo]
Brazil - Odeon - 1967 [Mono]
Canada - Capitol - 1967 [Mono]
Canada - Capitol - 1967 [Stereo]
Denmark - Parlophone - 1967 [Stereo]
France - Odéon - 1967
France - Parlophone - 1967 [Mono]
France - Odéon - 1967 [Mono]
Germany - Hör Zu - 1967
India - Parlophone - 1967 [Stereo]
India - Parlophone - 1967 [Mono]
Israel - Parlophone - 1967 [Mono]
Japan - Odeon - 1967
Netherlands - Parlophone - 1967 [Mono]
New Zealand - Parlophone - 1967 [Stereo]
Norway - Parlophone - 1967 [Stereo]
South Africa - Parlophone - 1967 [Mono]
South Africa - Parlophone - 1967 [Stereo]
Spain - Odeon - 1967 [Mono]
Sweden - Parlophone - 1967
Taiwan - Liming - 1967
Taiwan - Liming - 1967
UK - Parlophone - 1967 [Stereo]
Uruguay - Odeon - 1967
USA - Capitol - 1967 [Mono]
USA - Capitol - 1967 [Stereo]
Venezuela - Parlophone - 1967 [Mono]
Yugoslavia - Parlophone - 1967
Argentina - Odeon "Pops" - 1968 [Stereo]
Spain - Odeon - 1968 [Stereo]
Italy - Parlophone - 1970
USA - Apple - 1971
Argentina - EMI Odeon - 1972
Germany - EMI Odeon - 1976
Japan - Apple - 1976
USA - Capitol - 1976
Yugoslavia - Parlophone - 1976
Germany - Apple - 1977
South Korea - Parlophone - 1977
Brazil - EMI Odeon - 1978
France - Parlophone - 1978
France - Apple - 1978
USA - Capitol - 1978
UK - Parlophone - 1979
Israel - Portrait - 1980
Italy - Parlophone - 1981
USA - Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab - 1983
USA - Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab - 1983
UK - Parlophone - 1984
UK - Parlophone - 1984
Netherlands - Parlophone - 1987
Argentina - EMI - 1988
Russia - Antrop - 1992
USA - Capitol - 1995
Bootleg - Parlophone - 2010
Europe - Parlophone - 2012
USA - Parlophone - 2012
International - Parlophone - 2014 [Mono]
Europe - Apple - 2017
Europe - Parlophone - 2017
France - Parlophone - 2017
Italy - Parlophone - 2017
UK - Parlophone - 2017 [Stereo]
France - Parlophone
Portugal - Parlophone
See Also
Vinyl Album
The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Parlophone - Netherlands (1967)
Next by Artist
Vinyl Album
The Beatles - Revolver - Parlophone - Netherlands (1966)
Previous by Artist
Vinyl Album
The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Parlophone - Netherlands (1967)
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Vinyl Album
The Hollies - Evolution - Parlophone - Netherlands (1967)
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