Vinyl Albums

Vinyl Album

Title:Wings Greatest
Label:  Parlophone
Catalogue:PCTC 256 / 0C 066-61 963
Date:1 Dec 1978
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Community: 56 Own
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A1WingsAnother DayMcCartney8.0  Rate
A2WingsSilly Love SongsMcCartney7.7  Rate
A3WingsLive And Let DieMcCartney8.7  Rate
A4WingsJunior's FarmMcCartney9.0  Rate
A5WingsWith A Little LuckMcCartney7.3  Rate
A6WingsBand On The RunMcCartney9.7  Rate
B1WingsUncle Albert / Admiral HalseyMcCartney8.5  Rate
B2WingsHi Hi HiMcCartney9.0  Rate
B3WingsLet 'Em InMcCartney9.0  Rate
B4WingsMy LoveMcCartney9.3  Rate
B5WingsJetMcCartney8.0  Rate
B6WingsMull Of KintyreMcCartney, Laine7.0  Rate


Produced by Paul McCartney except Live And Let Die, co-produced with George Martin.


Comments and Reviews
David Whiteley
7th Jan 2025
 Added rear sleeve and inner sleeve from mid 1980's, The rear sleeve has a barcode and the inner sleeve has square corners. The labels are the same as images 540879 and 510536.

Quad5point1 SUBS
30th May 2021
 I just happened across THIS TONIGHT This is the Official UK Charts for December 1978 and if you look at position 33 there is Wings Greatest Hits and it's listed as being on Parlophone

11th Mar 2016
 I'm almost inclined to say "no label".

Magic Marmalade
11th Mar 2016
 What also may be relevant is that the Beatles Apple singles on cat don't seem to have many demos attached (Beatles knowers will be better placed to explain than me), except for Something, which was issued as a demo on Parlophone, and released on Apple.

Could the same be true of albums (at least in one or two cases), where the demo stage was under Parlophone, then release on whatever label was appropriate - in this case MPL (But still under the Parlophone-EMI umbrella).

Kind of like a tree structure of label subsidiaries: EMI>Parlophone>Apple/MPL etc. ?

(Admittedly, still doesn't answer whether it should be Parlophone or MPL as the heading, but if the 45s are anything to go by, and Apple is only a sideways step from MPL, and Apple is the label of issue there, then maybe this ought to be MPL??????)

10th Mar 2016
 My impression is that McCartney wanted to turn his back on the Beatles' Apple label. While the other Beatles honoured their Apple agreement until it expired in early 1976, Macca jumped sideways to EMI's Capitol imprint before then. He moved to Capitol for his singles, and the ones which were not on Capitol were also anonymous or, arguably, mpl.

See here which also lists the non-Capitol singles as being on Parlophone - but why? Look at this example - why should it be listed as Parlophone? In truth, Macca's first solo single on Parlophone is Goodnight Tonight in 1979.

Quad5point1 SUBS
10th Mar 2016
 Yea but the PC prefix is also on "An Apple Recording" albums

Magic Marmalade
10th Mar 2016
 Isn't the "YEX" matrix prefix in the Parlophone (and Beatles) scheme... and the cat# prefix PC... also significant of that label?

Quad5point1 SUBS
10th Mar 2016
 Just had a look at Wings UK albums in the database and from Speed of Sound to Back To The Egg They are the same, only MPL on the label

Quad5point1 SUBS
10th Mar 2016
 I have looked up some other sites the most prominent one being JPGR. It's listed there as well as being Parlophone. I can see your point though, but i do remember reading another article where McCartney was playing Parlophone off against Capitol and there was bad blood about it. I must try and see if I can find that webpage again, it might shed some light on this issue

10th Mar 2016
 We usually go by what it says on the record. Accepted wisdom might be that it's Parlophone, but when you look at Macca's albums from about 1974 to about 1979, they are, like this one, label-anonymous. His UK singles were coming out on Capitol, not Parlophone. What reason is there to think this LP is on the Parlophone label?

Quad5point1 SUBS
10th Mar 2016
 Wikipedia Has it listed as Parlophone UK and Capitol USA

8th Mar 2016
 Looking at this record again - I don't see the word Parlophone anywhere (have I missed it?). If it doesn't mention Parlophone, I don't think we should list it that way. It doesn't appear to have a label at all, except possibly mpl.

Magic Marmalade
12th Dec 2015

Neil Forbes
1st Feb 2015
 Well, TopPopper, I was just trying to be fair to Linda(or at least her memory). By the way, did anyone in Australia see Part 2 of the George Harrison doco, "Living In The Material World" which aired on SBS last night at 8.30pm?

1st Feb 2015
 As I understand it, Linda was mostly less than enthused by being roped into Wings. Her playing ability was minimal, and must have been embarrassing at times, considering how enormous the group was. I can't imagine she particularly wanted a joint credit for writing, say, "My Love" (which was written about her), and in the interests of historical accuracy, not to mention common sense, these songs should be credited to Paul alone. I get the impression he wanted to be in a double act (like John and Yoko?) but I don't think she ever did.

Neil Forbes
1st Feb 2015
 Perhaps if EMI(and I flatly refuse to acknowledge the insatiably greedy Universal[MCA] as their owner) were to re-issue this album on a new CD they could honour Linda's memory and reinstate her share of composer credits on all but Tracks A5(LP), Tr.5(CD) and B6(LP), Tr.12(CD).

31st Jan 2015
 After further investigation, there are several examples of Linda receiving a credit on covers of Wings tunes which were released in the 1970s so it's definitely not a retrospective change. It doesn't solve the mystery of why she didn't get a proper credit on the original Wings releases however.

Record Collector
31st Jan 2015
 Trivia Linda wrote the middle part of the song live and let die

Neil Forbes
31st Jan 2015
 I would prefer to give(the late) Linda McCartney the benefit of the doubt and let her have 50% credit on those songs. She's sadly not around to argue the point anymore.

31st Jan 2015
 Linda now seems to get a co-writing credit on all re-issues of the 1973-76 Wings material even though they were just credited to 'McCartney' on the original issues (or was that just shorthand for Paul & Linda?) Interestingly, the original soundtrack album for Live And Let Die does give Linda a credit, as does Jungle Juice's cover of Zoo Gang.

I believe ATV Music head Lew Grade attempted to sue McCartney at the time as he was a bit miffed at losing 50% of his copyright on any song that was allegedly co-written by Linda. Maybe the legal shenanigans are a reason why she didn't get a credit on the original issues. Whatever your opinion on Linda's credibility as a songwriter, her creative juices seem to have dried up after 1976 as she receives no writing credits on any of Paul's releases after that time (or maybe that's just when McCartney's contract with ATV came to an end....)

Neil Forbes
31st Jan 2015
 Well, as I said, I was working by checking credits on the Wingspan compilation (Parlophone 2CD set 5 32850-2) and "All The Best" (Parlophone 2-cassette pack TC-PCSO-748507), the reason being that I extracted all the tracks bar one from the Wingspan album, the one on Wingspan I didn't use was a shortened(DJ version of) With A Little Luck. I wanted the full version, so I lifted that from a CD I'd made earlier from the tape of All The Best. For the artwork(front cover) I clicked on the image here to enlarge it, then took the top portion by pressing "PrtScn" Just above the "Insert" key on your keyboard. This take the image of what's on your screen at the moment, and puts it into the "Paint" programme, I did likewise for the bottom half, cropped out the unwanted portions to each and pasted the two parts together, result, bitmap image of front cover(FOR MY OWN USE, of course!). I wanted to be sure I had the correct composer credits.

31st Jan 2015
 It's as well to be cautious about writing credits. Errors are common on record labels, and in any case, copyrighting a song to a spouse doesn't necessarily mean they had any input into it. (Does anyone really think Linda could write pop songs?) As I understand it, she is legally credited on some of the early stuff, but not so the later stuff - for example, check out the credits on the original Band on the Run LP. "Jet" and "Band on the Run" are Paul's alone, whatever it says on later compilations.

31st Jan 2015
 Neil Forbes - I stand corrected; I've just checked Wingspan.

Neil Forbes
31st Jan 2015
 You notice what I notice here? With a slight variation in the prefix, the British and Australian issue numbers are the same. The Brit issue has PCTC- while Australia's is just P- but the number is 256.

Record Collector
31st Jan 2015
 If you look at the Australian issue its the Orange release I have the purple issue I purchased in 1983 i think it was maccas super music weekend something got to do with it

Neil Forbes
31st Jan 2015
 R.C. said: "Played this album today someone in my family has been using this for breakfast snap crackle and pop old radio announcers joke, haha"! Hey R.C., is this going to be a continuing story - a cereal - er...serial?(ha-ha).

Neil Forbes
31st Jan 2015
 I double-checked the tracks in this compilation by reference to the compilations "Wingspan" and "All The Best" by Paul McCartney and Wings and those albums between them, cover every track in this set, and they show Paul and Linda McCartney to be the composers of all but "With A Little Luck"(Paul himself) and "Mull Of Kintyre(Paul with Denny Laine). So I stand by my earlier comment.

30th Jan 2015
 ...... the rest are co-written with Linda McCartney. - I don't think so.

Apart from Mull of Kintyre, Paul wrote them all except Another Day, Uncle Albert / Admiral Halsey, and Hi, Hi, Hi, all three of which he wrote with Linda.

Record Collector
30th Jan 2015
 Issued in Australia on capital records

Neil Forbes
30th Jan 2015
 The composer credits are missing on one person. Apart from Mull Of Kintyre, written by Paul McCartney and Denny Laine, and With A Little Luck written by Paul himself, the rest are co-written with Linda McCartney.

29th Jun 2014
 Fold out poster and price attack insert uploaded.

17th Mar 2014
 Added alternate B side label scan. The A side is the same as cptbeefheart's.

Quad5point1 SUBS
11th Mar 2014
 There were Woolworths branches in Ireland (North & South) but I think the vast majority of them were of the "Woolco" variety

YankeeDisc SUBS
10th Mar 2014
 I would think that they are/were one and the same, and as I was at a London area Woolworths (Brixton), our Record Merchandisers product came from Hayes, Middlesex, I believe, which must have been at or very near to EMI's pressing plant at Hayes.

I guess Record Merchandisers must have had other distribution depots throughout England, Scotland and Wales, as well as Northern Ireland, and perhaps Eire. I assume that Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway etc had branches of Woolworths so needed record stock, although when visiting Ireland I cannot remember them.

"Irish Record Merchandisers Ltd" as you mention does sound like it was based in Eire, although I could be wrong. Northern Irish inhabitants (Ulstermen) are normally quite keen to be referred to as "Northern Irish" and not just plain Irish. Of course at the time we are referring to, mid to late 1970s, the Irish Punt (Pound) nearly had parity value with Pound Sterling, so it would be unlikely that a Record Merchandisers depot in Eire supplied product over the border to Ulster, who probably had their own arrangements.

As a record importer, I could fly product from New York or Miami to London leaving US Friday evening, arriving London Heathrow Saturday morning, so I guess a similar arrangement could easily be facilitated for date sensitive vinyl chart singles and albums flown from somewhere in UK to Ulster.....who knows.

Quad5point1 SUBS
8th Mar 2014
 I seem to remember seeing a lot of these in record shops in Belfast but it said "Irish Record Merchandisers Ltd" or "IRM" I take it these are one and the same company ??

YankeeDisc SUBS
8th Mar 2014
 .....lovely to see scan #55714 'Price Sticker', which is for Record Merchandisers Ltd., a wholesale rack jobbing company that supplied Woolworths stores thoughout the UK, and possibly other companies.

If you look closely, the self adhesive sticker (top & bottom) had serrations (visible) so that the centre portion (without adhesive) with the cat. number and price could be removed for restocking advice. I was managing a Woolworths record dept. 1973-74, and handled thousands of these stickers, apparently still in use by 1978.

The sticker was particularly difficult to remove completely, especially on stock that had come from RM Ltd., where the price ticket had been applied for some time, and the adhesive had cured. With laminated sleeves it was possible to have the whole sticker removed, which I instructed my staff to do, but with un-laminated sleeves, it was risky, and could tear a chunk of paper off of the sleeve.

....blurb time....

I also have the US version of this album, which I must get around to posting.

Quad5point1 SUBS
2nd Mar 2014
 Added Inner Sleeve & Label Scans. Just thought I would scan my front cover with price sticker. Cost = £5.99, would be nice if vinyl was still that price but you just have to laugh at where these stickers were placed, hardly a tiny & barely noticeable job

26th Feb 2014
 I recall I bought my copy on its release so maybe, as you say, yours was a later issue.

25th Feb 2014
 A purple-ish font and the song titles are in a slightly different position as well. Minor variations, but variations nonetheless! I bought this copy new in 1982 so maybe it's a later issue and the black font was the first edition?

25th Feb 2014
 With a more purple font?

25th Feb 2014
 Sorry JPGR&B, just sneaking in with an alternate back cover scan....

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Linked Releases

Australia - Capitol - 1978

Brazil - EMI Odeon - 1978

Bulgaria - Balkanton - 1978

Canada - Capitol - 1978

Germany - EMI Electrola - 1978

Italy - EMI - 1978

Poland - Wifon - 1978

Sweden - Parlophone - 1978

USA - Capitol - 1978

South Korea - EMI - 1979

Yugoslavia - Parlophone - 1979

Bulgaria - Balkanton - 1983

Canada - Parlophone - 1987

Europe - Capitol - 2018

Europe - Parlophone

See Also

Vinyl Album
Wings - Back To The Egg - Parlophone - UK (1979)
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Wings - London Town - Parlophone - UK (1978)
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Wings - Back To The Egg - Parlophone - UK (1979)
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The Beatles - Rarities - Parlophone - UK (1978)
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UK Albums 1971-1980 - 223 Vinyl Albums - List by Mr. Blaze
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