Aside from being Haley's first live album release, there are some interesting aspects to this. It was recorded over the course of a couple of weeks during a gig at the Roundtable in NYC where apparently they primarily played "new" songs like these rather than favourites like Rock Around the Clock. That said, Haley had recorded a number of songs here for Orfeon Records in Mexico, but due to contracts they had (at this point) never been released in the US, so Twist Marie, One-Two-Three Twist, Caravan Twist, Whistlin' and Walkin' Twist and Florida Twist were all new to American listeners; Florida Twist had actually been a substantial hit south of the border (and remains a party staple down there to this day), so there was one "greatest hit" in this batch. Closing track is a duet vocal by guitarist Johnny Kay and steel guitarist Billy Williamson. Franny Beecher, Haley's legendary 1950s guitarist, had actually quit the Comets earlier in the year but agreed to come back for this set, resulting in a twin-lead guitar sound for the Comets on this occasion. The drummer for this set wasn't the Comets' regular drummer but rather Sticks Evans who I believe was a member of Joey Dee and the Starliters (please correct me if I'm wrong).