ReviewThis is more like what I was looking for from Elvis.
The first two of his albums are the rock 'n' roll ones, which have appeal for rock 'n' roll fans outside of the purely Elvis core fan base (who'll love everything of his no matter what).
But everything between those and this seems a little softly crooned and mannered music.
Obviously with this, Elvis had to knock it out of the park to convince everyone he was still a serious musician of the rock 'n' roll variety...
...and he certainly succeeds!
He's going for it here... pushing his voice to breaking (mostly to overcome the occasional wild screams of the ladies in the audience!), and the music is played at a pacey tempo (with the odd softer moments).
But this has more grunt, and bite, that appeals to someone looking for genuine Elvis Presley rock 'n' roll but is not necessarily an Elvis fan in particular.
Then there's that great cover... one of the all time iconic album sleeves.
See: Elvis Presley: From Memphis to Vegas album for photo.
Added Back cover and label scans.
Incidentally, while looking around ebay for mention of this, a gent who has this for sale mentions in his listing that the credit for Guitar Man as: (Reed), was changed to: (Hubbard), anyone shed any light on this?
... and as for the "This record belongs to Kim" at the bottom left of the back cover scan I uploaded, I can assure you that this is no longer the case, as now ALL HER BASE ARE NOW BELONG TO MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
(She shall have to be content with being immortalised by having her name preserved in digital amber in this listing)
I first checked my RRPG, and it does not say this came with anything in it, but the next listing for Elvis: Form Memphis to Vegas double album is listed as having two 10 X 8 photos with it... So I checked ebay (Had to go to sold listings to find one with a picture of that album with photos), and sure enough, the photo I have is the one that came with that album (Found only two items on ebay of that album with photo, and they both only had the one photo... so don't know what the other looks like).
Which means that lurking somewhere in the shop where I bought this is a copy of Memphis to Vegas!
...I shall return and hunt it down!
There was a lot of Elvis stuff in that shop, but as I am as yet only dipping a toe in Elvis (So to speak, I just bought this and G. I Blues, as they were the most conspicuous to my feeble Elvis knowledge... The latter I got because it has Blue Suede Shoes on)., I didn't buy any of the other stuff.
Besides which, I simply ran out of cash after buying half a ton of vinyl that day.
I shall be buying the lot when I get back there though.
I shall in due course add a scan of the photo to the relevant album listing here.
Was a bit dubious about the picture, as I've had a few bits and bobs turn up in records to which they do not belong (Got an ELO fan club mailing card in Dark Side Of The Moon),
And having an RCA discography for Elvis in an original 68 (69 (?)) LP, made me wonder if it came from another album, but checked the dates of the discs listed on it, and they only go up to 1969, and the original inner sleeve for this thankfully has an issue date on the bottom right of the printed side, which gives: November 1969 as this particular copy's press date.
So all squares up that the picture is in accord with the date of the record, and so probably did come with it originally.
I'll scan and upload more images (Including the picture/discography) soon.
Just shows that you have to check for stowaways when buying vinyl...
When I took the record out when I got it home, a 10 X 8 inch Photo of the king dropped out with a printed autograph saying: "Sincerely - Elvis Presley", on the back of which is an RCA Elvis discography.
Haven't seen this mentioned elsewhere in relation to this issue... anyone else got it in theirs?