Vinyl Album A1 The Beatles Taxman Harrison Rate A2 The Beatles Eleanor Rigby Lennon, McCartney 10.0 Rate A3 The Beatles I'm Only Sleeping Lennon, McCartney Rate A4 The Beatles Love You To Harrison Rate A5 The Beatles Here, There And Everywhere Lennon, McCartney Rate A6 The Beatles Yellow Submarine Lennon, McCartney 10.0 Rate A7 The Beatles She Said She Said Lennon, McCartney Rate B1 The Beatles Good Day Sunshine Lennon, McCartney 9.0 Rate B2 The Beatles And Your Bird Can Sing Lennon, McCartney Rate B3 The Beatles For No One Lennon, McCartney Rate B4 The Beatles Dr. Robert Lennon, McCartney Rate B5 The Beatles I Want To Tell You Harrison Rate B6 The Beatles Got To Get You Into My Life Lennon, McCartney 9.0 Rate B7 The Beatles Tomorrow Never Knows Lennon, McCartney Rate
Notes The great Beatles album Revolver as a German First Edition, released through EMI-Odeon in cooperation with the German TV Magazine Hör Zu in 1966.
Images Comments and Reviews dr.pepper1952 30th Apr 2015 + another Labels 78rpm-maniac ● 24th May 2014 Hi an6y66, that records were available in record-stores regulary. No subscribing-offers or record-club-Editions. Hör-Zu made advertisements especially for that records from Hör-Zu. The Repertoire included: Classical-music, German-Pop, Danceband-Music, Beat, International-Pop, Opera-Music, Easy-Listening, various Sampler-Records. An6y66 24th May 2014 So how did people get the records could you order them from the magazine? Or were they sent to subscribers ? 78rpm-maniac ● 22nd May 2014 Hi An6y66, yes it would be a Joint Label EMI-Odeon-and-Hör-zu combination for that record.
Hör Zu was a very popular TV- and Radio-Programme-Magazine in Germany, with additional stories about singers, actors and lifestyle of the 1960s, also including Travelling-reports, recipes or crosswords. An6y66 22nd May 2014 Shouldn't the lable be Hor-Zu for this release?
Or at least a joint label odeon/hor zu?
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Linked Releases
UK - Parlophone - 1966 [Mono]
Argentina - Odeon "Pops" - 1966 [Stereo]
Argentina - Odeon "Pops" - 1966 [Mono]
Australia - Parlophone - 1966 [Mono]
Brazil - Odeon - 1966 [Mono]
Brazil - Odeon - 1966 [Stereo]
Canada - Capitol - 1966 [Mono]
Canada - Capitol - 1966 [Stereo]
Germany - Odeon - 1966
Greece - Parlophone - 1966
Israel - Parlophone - 1966 [Mono]
Japan - Odeon - 1966
Mexico - Capitol - 1966 [Stereo]
Netherlands - Parlophone - 1966
Norway - Parlophone - 1966 [Stereo]
South Africa - Parlophone - 1966 [Mono]
South Africa - Parlophone - 1966 [Stereo]
Spain - Odeon - 1966 [Mono]
Sweden - Parlophone - 1966 [Stereo]
UK - Parlophone - 1966 [Stereo]
USA - Capitol - 1966 [Mono]
USA - Capitol - 1966 [Stereo]
France - Odéon - 1968 [Stereo]
Japan - Apple - 1969
South Africa - Parlophone - 1969 [Stereo]
Spain - Odeon - 1969
USA - Apple - 1971
Argentina - EMI Odeon - 1973
Yugoslavia - Parlophone - 1975
Canada - Capitol - 1976
Japan - Apple - 1976
Germany - Apple - 1977
France - Odéon - 1978
Netherlands - Parlophone - 1978
UK - Columbia - 1979
Italy - Parlophone - 1980
Australia - Parlophone - 1981 [Stereo]
Italy - Parlophone - 1981
USA - Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab - 1984
Japan - Odeon - 1986 [Mono]
Europe - Parlophone - 1987
Argentina - EMI - 1988
USA - Capitol - 1995
USA - Capitol - 2006
UK - Parlophone - 2012
USA - Parlophone - 2012
Europe - Parlophone - 2014 [Mono]
UK - Parlophone - 2017
Italy - Parlophone - 2019
Europe - Apple - 2022
International - Apple - 2022
Uruguay - Odeon
See Also
Vinyl Album
The Beatles - The Beatles´ Greatest - Odeon - Germany (1966)
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Vinyl Album
The Beatles - And Now: The Beatles - S*R International - Germany (1966)
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Vinyl Album
Peter And Gordon - The Best Of Peter And Gordon - Hör Zu - Germany (1966)
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Vinyl Album
Teddy Stauffer - Stop ! - Es Ist Wundervoll ! - Hör Zu - Germany (1966)
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