Under it's original title, it failed to chart. After their second album was a smash hit, A&M reissued the LP with a new title and artwork, and it peaked at #150, The only single from this album (Ticket to Ride) only made it to #54 (vocals for this one were rerecorded for their first compilation LP)
This was a re release of sorts of their Offering Album ( same song sequence) which was their first album, the Offering Album didn't sell very well so I guess they decided to revamp the cover with them on a sailboat picture which was taken at Lake Tahoe Nevada, beautiful locale, and I'm not sure if this sold well but better then the first time around anyway. Like most of their albums they were very well produced and arranged specially so the songs gel onto each other seamlessly.
Added Monarch Records, Los Angeles, CA label variant images. Monarch deltas for this are:
Side One Δ13936.
Side Two Δ13936-X.
This is the same deltas as used on OfferingSP-4205, the original title and release of this album in 1969.