Vinyl Albums

Vinyl Album

Artist:The Beatles
Title:The Essential Beatles
Label:  Apple
Catalogue:TVSS 8
Date:2 Feb 1972
Collection:  I Own It     I Want It 
Community: 20 Own
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A1The BeatlesLove Me DoPaul McCartney, John LennonRate
A2The BeatlesBoysLuther Dixon, Wes FarrellRate
A3The BeatlesLong Tall SallyRichard Penniman, Enotris Johnson, Robert BlackwellRate
A4The BeatlesHoney Don'tCarl PerkinsRate
A5The BeatlesP.S. I Love YouPaul McCartney, John LennonRate
A6The BeatlesBaby You're A Rich ManJohn Lennon, Paul McCartneyRate
A7The BeatlesAll My LovingJohn Lennon, Paul McCartneyRate
A8The BeatlesYesterdayJohn Lennon, Paul McCartneyRate
A9The BeatlesPenny LaneJohn Lennon, Paul McCartneyRate
B1The BeatlesMagical Mystery TourJohn Lennon, Paul McCartneyRate
B2The BeatlesNorwegian WoodJohn Lennon, Paul McCartneyRate
B3The BeatlesWith A Little Help From My FriendsJohn Lennon, Paul McCartneyRate
B4The BeatlesAll You Need Is LoveJohn Lennon, Paul McCartneyRate
B5The BeatlesSomethingGeorge HarrisonRate
B6The BeatlesOb-La-Di, Ob-La-DaJohn Lennon, Paul McCartneyRate
B7The BeatlesLet It BeJohn Lennon, Paul McCartneyRate


Producer: George Martin
Long Tall Sally has reversed channels


Comments and Reviews
Record Collector
5th Apr 2024
 @Neil.Forbes-55 Most of the songs on the album are presented in true stereo, while "Love Me Do", "P.S. I Love You" and "Baby You're A Rich Man" are in "fake stereo". Two notable mastering glitches appear on the album: "Penny Lane" running slow with a noticeable "warble" and "Long Tall Sally" on this album, has the stereo channels reversed.

Hawkmarty SUBS
5th Apr 2024
 @Record Collector
If you are going to lift text straight off Wikipedia please at least credit them and the page it was taken from.

22nd May 2020
 Rock N Roll Music was a double LP, but when re-issued as two singles, LP 1 included, "I Wanna Be Your Man", "Boys" and "Matchbox".

admiral halsey
22nd May 2020
 Just got a copy of this. Have to say that with 3 tracks it's a bit Ringo heavy. Any other comps with this ratio of Ringo tracks?


Record Collector
14th Sep 2015
 Bought the magical mystery tour remastered cd and yes all in stereo

Neil Forbes
13th Sep 2015
 @RC, I knew it was 1976 but was it one month, two, three, four, more? Toward the end of 1976 perhaps? Doesn't really matter now. If I want to, I can always chase up those stereo mixes of the affected tracks at some later date, and reconstruct my own MMT album on CD, but that'll be something for a future project.

Record Collector
13th Sep 2015
 Around the same time Neil 1976

Neil Forbes
13th Sep 2015
 @Jordansongs, I'm not sure exactly when EMI(Australia) issued the LP of MMT, though it couldn't have been all that long after the UK issue. Prior to this there was only the 2-disc 45rpm EP with each record carrying two songs on one side, one on the other, first in Mono, then in Stereo as MMT-1 then SMMT-1 for both markets(I have Aussie pressings in a British cover). Then I came across the LP, only ever saw American issues of the album anywhere I saw it. I had not yet seen or held a British or Australian issue of MMT on LP., Likely I never will do... they're scarce as hen's teeth!

Record Collector
13th Sep 2015
 Despite all hoo haaa about the mixing it is a great album if you listened to it during the 1970's the only Beatles album I had at the time no wonder still sounds like a car driving over a gravel road haha

13th Sep 2015
 Neil, you're right, the US "MMT" album did use fake stereo for the last two tracks (and possibly "Penny Lane" as well?). Even when the LP was issued on vinyl for the first time in the UK in 1976, Parlophone used the US masters with the fake stereo, although bizarrely the 1973 UK cassette release used the German masters with true stereo. I'm not sure about Australia, but in the UK, I believe the first time "Baby You're A Rich Man" was issued in stereo on vinyl was on the bonus EP from the 1981 EP box set. Presumably, post-1987 pressings of the "MMT" album used the CD mixes with true stereo.

The stereo mix of "All You Need Is Love" had been around since the "Yellow Submarine" album in 1969 so why it wasn't used on this album is a mystery.

Record Collector
13th Sep 2015
 The Australian issue as I mention maybe from 1976

Neil Forbes
13th Sep 2015
 @RC, I figured that's the one you meant.

Record Collector
13th Sep 2015
 Referring to magical mystery tour not the essential Beatles

Neil Forbes
13th Sep 2015
 @RC, that's interesting. Why use a stereo mix of All You Need Is Love and Penny Lane for TVSS-8(LP) and a mono, or "fake" stereo mix of the same songs for TC-TVSS-8(cassette)? That makes no sense. Why would EMI do that? Surely the cassette should carry exactly the same content as the LP!

Record Collector
13th Sep 2015
 Neil the 1999 digitally remastered CD is in full stereo

Record Collector
13th Sep 2015
 Got the Australian cassette issue when I bought it back in 1981 penny lane,baby you're a rich man and all you need is love are in fake stereo

Neil Forbes
13th Sep 2015
 @Jordansongs, has the catalogue number been changed? My copy of "Magical Mystery Tour" is on a US Capitol-issued Apple record. The last two cuts on Side B were Baby You're A Rich Man and All You Need Is Love, both mixed back to a "fake" stereo(Bass in one channel, treble in the other, and not at all convincing). So obviously the new "improved" MMT release having these two songs restored to full stereo is a welcome advent.

13th Sep 2015
 The true stereo "Baby You're A Rich Man" is now on the "Magical Mystery Tour" CD (and vinyl).

The 1999 version from the "Yellow Submarine Songtrack" is actually a new remix.

Record Collector
13th Sep 2015
 The 1999 reissue of yellow submarine

Record Collector
13th Sep 2015
This would have to be one of the best Best of albums released in February 1972 the record was issued over the next nine years until 1982 when all the Beatles album catalogue was reissued under the parlophone Label that the vynal issue was deleted but the cassette remained two years later this album was packaged with a book called The Beatles in their own write published by miles

1 person found this review helpful.   ✔︎ Helpful Review?

Neil Forbes
13th Sep 2015
 RC, I know how to put the WALHFMF track together, a little Sound Forge magic will help there. It's the Baby You're A Rich Man track I'd like to know about... As the late Tex Morton used to scream out on our tellies way back when... "Where (did) Ya Get It?"

Neil Forbes
13th Sep 2015
I've had two copies of this LP over the years. The first bought when it was first issued, the second as a replacement many years later. The rear image shows the ageing effects of each Beatle with seven columns showing, roughly when each song was issued in a year. The compilation falls down only in respect of using mono mixes of Baby You're A Rich Man and (possibly) Penny Lane where full stereo mixes were available for each. Outside that, this was a worthy compilation and served as a good prelude to the(then) yet-to-be-compiled "Red" and "Blue" double albums, Beatles 1962-1966 and Beatles 1967-1970 respectively. A quick check of what I wrote some months back led me to delete a portion of this review where I said only a mono mix of All You Need Is Love was used. Those early remarks of mine contradicted this and thus, the remark required deletion.... Oops!

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Record Collector
13th Sep 2015
 Neil with the little help from my friends track you need to edit and fade in

Neil Forbes
13th Sep 2015
 RC you lucky devil! You have a stereo mix of ....Rich Man From which album did you source that gem? I note we now have an option of adding a review of the album(or any other album on this site) I might have a crack at it.

Record Collector
13th Sep 2015
 I actually recreated this album and yes with a baby your a rich man stereo mix

13th Sep 2015
 The stereo mix of "Baby You're A Rich Man" wasn't widely available at the time. The US "Magical Mystery Tour" LP used a reprocessed stereo mix. The first time a true stereo version was issued was on the German "MMT" LP in 1971 but presumably the Aussies weren't given access to that mix in 1972.

Record Collector
13th Sep 2015
 Yes they must have used the single mix if I see this album again I'll get it

Neil Forbes
13th Sep 2015
 @RC, the reason why B3 is faded in is due to the fact it was originally the second "cut" in the Sgt. Pepper album and the two tracks were "blended" into one with the audio continuing across the interval groove. It was paired like this again on the Beatles 1967-70 set when the tracks opened Record 2, Side 1, and again in the CD(though, on the CD you'd see the track number change from 1 to 2 on the LED display though there'd be no break in the audio). For the Essential Beatles LP, the Sgt. Pepper song was edited out, thus the quick fade-in. I have this LP as well. My only comment is that I would've liked a stereo mix of "Baby You're A Rich Man" used here instead of the mono mix that was used.

Record Collector
11th Sep 2015
 First came across this album back 1974 it has to be one of their best of albums it was deleted 1981 but the cassette remain until 1984 what's interesting is it has a very unique fade in of B3 if see this at a second hand record shop

8th Aug 2015
 I wonder why "Honey Don't' is 'essential Beatles' but "Strawberry Fields" or Eleanor Rigby" aren't.

PS just as an experiment, I copied and pasted the smiley shown below into my own comment, and as you can see, it works. It seems you would have to type : followed by the word erk (no spaces) then another :
I guess each type of smiley (that's 'emoticon' to our more technical readers) has a different word between the colons.

8th Aug 2015
 My copy of this LP came in a box set along with Miles' The Beatles in Their Own Words--the set was titled & Sights & Sounds. The book was a 1982 reprint edition.

Neil Forbes
16th Jan 2015
 nboldock's comment: "think the smiley thing is a work in progress, we [the Mods] don't know the details yet..." Not to worry, thanks anyway! By the way, still waiting for Zabadak to come back with his bit about the covers. Are you there, Zabadak?, and R.C., I noted the number, single digit, 8(eight, or ate, as in devoured - swallowed whole[gulp!.... burp!]).

16th Jan 2015
 I think the smiley thing is a work in progress, we [the Mods] don't know the details yet...

Record Collector
16th Jan 2015
 Note the catalogue number

Record Collector
16th Jan 2015
 A lot of fffff pop ahh love the sound of vInyl

Neil Forbes
16th Jan 2015
 R.C.: "Took this for a spin today not a very smooth ride I tell you". Hey R.C., did you get dizzy? I bet Tommy Roe would've!(ha-ha).

Neil Forbes
15th Jan 2015
 Zabadak said: "Unusual to find covers on Beatles compilation albums due to copyright issues..." :erk: I'm curious! How do you mean "covers"? Are you talking about sleeve artwork?

Record Collector
15th Jan 2015
 Note the TVSS-8 usually found on EMI Australian compilation albums

15th Jan 2015
 Unusual to find covers on Beatles compilation albums due to copyright issues... :erk:

Record Collector
15th Jan 2015
 Actually I have the remastered issue

Record Collector
15th Jan 2015
 Neil you had to wait until 1980 to get hold of the stereo mix of baby you're a rich man that appeared on the eight record box set called the Beatles Box

Record Collector
15th Jan 2015
 They used the stereo mix from yellow submarine album

Neil Forbes
15th Jan 2015
 This was certainly a good compilation, the only down-side was that, though a stereo mix of "Baby You're A Rich Man" is available(and stored in EMI's cavernous vaults!), it wasn't used for this LP, though the stereo mix of "All You Need Is love" is included here.

Neil Forbes
20th Dec 2014
 TopPopper, you are correct! TheSgt. Pepper portion had been edited off for this release, and, if my memory serves correctly, this compilation was for the Australian(and possibly New Zealand) market only. I bought this brand new just after it came out, but, through second-hand book & record store, Rice's in Newcastle West(Australia), managed to snaffle a new replacement copy for myself, then a friend gives me some of his old unwanted LPs and what should be there among the gems(and some chaff)? You guessed it! Needless to say I had, some time back, committed the contents to CD!.

Record Collector
20th Dec 2014
 Ahh yes my all time favourite best of album i still have this what is interesting that all the tracks are fold down mixes one track in interest with a little help with my friends the intro has a fade and it was still available right up to 1984 only on cassette as the record was deleted in the late seventies

10th Feb 2014
 Yes that's right. "With A Little Help From My Friends" was faded in at start of the song, which as you say is a unique edit

10th Feb 2014
 Nice album. Am I right in thinking this had a unique edit of "With A Little Help From My Friends", since it starts directly, without the Sgt Pepper track running into the start?

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Linked Releases

New Zealand - Apple - 1972

See Also

Vinyl Album
The Beatles - The Beatles' Greatest Hits Volumes 1 And 2 - Parlophone - Australia (1973)
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Vinyl Album
The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour And Other Splendid Hits - World Record Club - Australia (1971)
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Vinyl Album
Paul McCartney And Wings - Band On The Run - Apple - Australia (1973)
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Vinyl Album
Mary Hopkin - The Best Of Mary Hopkin - Apple - Australia (1972)
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