random house group ballantine books near-identical mmpb first printings sharing merkin-printed covers
del rey series
cover art by david b. mattingly (unsigned, credited)
cover price $3.75 (canadian-carcassed copies intended for distribution north of the parallel)
cover price $2.95 (wholly merkin-printed copies for general distribution)
304pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc., end pp. advertising
refer also to indicia to check if carcass of copy held was merkin- or canadadian- printed.
no priority established nor liable to be
check also for additional printing history line stating
second printing: april 1983
cover price $2.95
random house group ballantine books near-identical mmpb first printings sharing merkin-printed covers
del rey series
cover art by david b. mattingly (unsigned, credited)
cover price $3.75 (canadian-carcassed copies intended for distribution north of the parallel)
cover price $2.95 (wholly merkin-printed copies for general distribution)
304pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc., end pp. advertising
refer also to indicia to check if carcass of copy held was merkin- or canadadian- printed.
no priority established nor liable to be
check also for additional printing history line stating
second printing: june 1983
cover price $2.95
random house group ballantine books near-identical mmpb first printings sharing merkin-printed covers
del rey series
cover art by david b. mattingly (signed, credited)
cover price $2.95 (canadian-carcassed copies intended for distribution north of the parallel)
cover price $2.50 (wholly merkin-printed copies for general distribution)
256pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc., end pp. advertising
refer also to indicia to check if carcass of copy held was merkin- or canadadian- printed.
no priority established nor liable to be
check also for additional printing history line stating
second printing: january 1983
cover price $2.50
4/1983 third printing increases cover price and bears new
isbn 0345311221
cat# 31122
third printing: april 1983
cover price $2.75
?/198n? fourth printing not seen/not seen recorded by yr hmbl srppnt.
hall of fame (novelette) galaxy vol.28 #5, 7/1969 as "the kinsolving's planet irregulars"
the sister ships (ntte) galaxy vol.32 #2, 9-10/1971 sans the "the"
the man who sailed the sky (ntte) apparently original to this collection
the rub (ntte) galaxy vol.31 #1, 4/1970, universal-tandem bre 5/1970, both with a b+w illustration by jack gaughan
grosset & dunlap charter communications, inc. ace mmpb undated° second printing thus by number line
half a double, but sharing a single front cover;
i.e. not a classic "ace double" format mmpb with two front covers, contents tête-beché to each other
reprint collection of four novelettes
cover art by paul alexander retained
isbn 0-441-11556-X (on spine) (incorrectly given as 0-441-11556-3 on back cover)
cat# 11556
cover price $2.75
indicia printing history number line 2 4 6 8 0 9 7 5 3
376pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising (adverts may differ)
° - 9/1981 from locus #249 10/1981
doubled with "spartan planet" (1968 as "false fatherland", q.v.) 1979 q.v.
grosset & dunlap charter communications, inc. ace mmpb first printing thus°
half a double, but with single front cover;
i.e. not a classic "ace double" with two front covers, contents tête-beché to each other
reprint collection of four novelettes
cover art by paul alexander (signed "alexander", credited)
isbn 0-441-11555-1
cat# 11555
cover price $2.25
indicia printing history number line 2 4 6 8 0 9 7 5 3 1
376pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp.
° - first edition of this pairing:
"the commodore at sea" (1971 as "alternate orbits", q.v.) with
"spartan planet" (1968 as "false fatherland", q.v.)
the first is this reprint collection containing four novelettes; the second, a novel.
grosset & dunlap charter communications, inc. ace mmpb first printing thus°
half a double, but with single front cover;
i.e. not a classic "ace double" with two front covers, contents tête-beché to each other
cover art by paul alexander (signed "alexander", also credited)
isbn 0-441-11555-1
cat# 11555
cover price $2.25
indicia printing history number line 2 4 6 8 0 9 7 5 3 1
376pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp.
° - first edition of this pairing, "the commodore at sea" (aka "alternate orbits", q.v.) with
"spartan planet" (aka "false fatherland", q.v.)
the first is a reprint collection containing four novelettes; the second, a novel.
random house group ballantine books near-identical mmpb first printings sharing merkin-printed covers
del rey series
cover art by david b. mattingly (signed, credited)
cover price $2.95 (canadian-carcassed copies intended for distribution north of the parallel)
cover price $2.50 (wholly merkin-printed copies for general distribution)
256pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc., end pp. advertising
refer also to indicia to check if carcass of copy held was merkin- or canadadian- printed.
no priority established nor liable to be
check also for additional printing history line stating
second printing: october 1982
and for further possible addition:
third printing (june 1983 - possibly so stated)
both of these reprintings cover price $2.50
?/198n? fourth printing not seen/not seen recorded by yr hmbl srppnt.
first stand-alone book publication; this was the title novel in 1953 twayne publishers h/cvr collection, "the tritonian ring and other pusadian tales", which included two short stories and a novelelette, all pusadian pieces.
- leaving four other pusadian novelelettes remaining to be pu(r)saded^W hunted down:
the hungry hercynian universe #3, 12/1953
ka, the appalling fantastic universe vol. 10 #2, 8/1958
the rug and the bull "flashing swords 2" ed. lin carter (1973), q.v.
the stone of the witch-queen weirdbook #12, 1977
lancer books mmpb undated° second printing (not so stated)
cover art by (frank) kelly freas (signed, shot down considerably from the first printing, uncredited)
cat# 74646
cover price 75¢
224pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
9/1970 publication date ex "lancer checklist" william j. denholm science fiction collector/megavore #10
random house group ballantine books mmpb first printing, first edition
cover art by h. r. van dongen (signed at bottom edge and may be guillotined off, credited)
cover price $1.50
224pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
popular library mmpb first printing, not first mmpb edition
questar series
cover art by james gurney (signed gurney, credited)
cover price $3.50 u.s.a. ($4.50 can(ada))
224pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
indicia publishing history states first popular library printing: february, 1987 and gives full first printing number line, 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
random house group ballantine books simultaneous near-identical mmpb first printings sharing merkin-printed covers, first edition
del rey series
cover art by darrell k. sweet (signed, credited)
cover price $2.25 (canadadian printing)
cover price $1.95 (u.s. printing)
320pp. (check) including pages (i-) xiii titles, indicia, introduction, two b+w maps etc, 27 end pp: two nf-within-f appendices, advertising
refer also to indicia to check if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed.
no priority established nor liable to be. both state first edition: november 1978
darrel sweet's cover art retained through (at least) the twelfth (1991) printings:
author's name on front cover now in black, rather than in white, and underlined in the orangey-red of title:
second printing: may 1980; cover price $2.25, isbn 0345293371, cat# 29337
thrid printing: november 1980; cover price $2.25, isbn 0345293371, cat# 29337
some copies of third printing distributed north of the parallel bearing ballantine's label in canada $2.75
fourth printing: october 1981; cover price $2.25, isbn 0345293371, cat# 29337
fifth printing: (?march 1983?); cover price $2.50, isbn 0345311205, cat# 31120
(3/1983 date is not from locus, only from an amazon entry, so not exactly excessively reliable-upon)
sixth printing: december 1984; cover price $2.95, isbn 0345342501, cat# 34250
... ... ...
... ... ...
author's name on front cover in orangey-red as per title, front cover sports a black-outlined white band across near top bearing three-line puff-line leading up to the del Rey series roundel; cat# is still stated to be ballantine:
twelfth printing: 11/1991; (canada $6.50) u.s. $4.95, isbn 0345324501, cat# 32450
refer to indicia publishing history to see if carcass of copy held was canadian- or merkin- printed
no priority established nor liable to be, both state twelfth printing: november 1991
hutchinson publishing group arrow books second printing
(may still be owned by london weekend television, or just bought from them by century books; check)
reprint collection of five novellas, two novelettes and seven short stories
cover art by bruce pennington (unsigned, uncredited; in "ultraterranium" bruce pennington (1991/2), q.v.)
cover price £2.25, $6.95 australia
416pp. (check) including titles, indicia, table-of-contents etc, end pp. advertising
daw books simultaneous near-identical first printings sharing merkin-printed covers, first edition
fix-up/rewrite of three novellas, with new material
cover art by vincent difate (signed, credited)
b+w frontispiece (unsigned, uncredited)
cover price $1.25
near-meaningless daw books collector no.224
176pp. including titles, indicia etc.
refer to indicia to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin- printed
no priority established nor liable to be, both stating first daw printing, january 1977
and both bearing full first printing history number-string 123456789
"divide and rule" serialised in unknown vol.1 #2, vol.1 #3, 4/1939, 5/1939, as "divide and rule!"
"the stolen dormouse" in astounding vol.27 #2, vol.27 #3, 4/1941, 5/1941
both installments of both novellas with b+w illustrations by hubert rogers.
sidgwick & jackson h/cvr first printing, first uk edition
cover (d-j) art (unsigned, may be credited on front or back d-j flap (check))
cover (d-j) price £1.75
188pp.(check) including four unpaginated pages titles, indicia etc, bound with endpapers between covered boards