yvetot-bocage-45worlds 29th Mar 2022 |  | Vinyl AlbumAardvark - Aardvark | The mono version is so powerful and cohesive that it looks like it was actually cut as a dedicated mono mix when compared to the often embarassing chaneling of the stereo version.
I still like the stereo version notwithstanding but the mono is a revelation.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 16th Jul 2017 |  | Vinyl AlbumRed Dirt - Red Dirt | Had two M- copies some 25-30 years ago, one courtesy from Hugo Chavez of Background Records. Those were the days.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 13th Jul 2017 |  | Vinyl AlbumRed Dirt - Red Dirt | I think the music in here is fantastic whatever the cover.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 1st Oct 2016 |  | Vinyl AlbumThe Move - Shazam | "Beautiful Daughter" being the stand-out track and one of the best The Move ever recorded.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 26th Jul 2016 |  | Vinyl AlbumPete Dello And Friends - Into Your Ears | Of course, my opinion. Otherwise, why should i bother ?
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 25th Jul 2016 |  | Vinyl AlbumPete Dello And Friends - Into Your Ears | ReviewFlimsy pop songs make this really a bad and boring album. Worst on label. We are a long way from Honeybus.
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yvetot-bocage-45worlds 19th Jul 2016 |  | CinemaLa 317ème Section (The 317th Platoon) (1965) | Rated 9/10Perhaps the best war film i have ever seen and certainly the best film about the war in Indochine.
There is no bloody message or hysterics in here, only a down-to-earth and vivid approach from the progress of a column of local section suppletive Laotian soldiers, French officer and non-commissioned officers through the jungle surrounded and confronted with Vietmin forces.
5 people found this review helpful. ✔︎ Helpful Review?
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 19th Jul 2016 |  | CinemaPaths Of Glory (1957) | Rated 1/10Along with "Full Metal Jacket", this is a real stinker in the Kubrick's filmography.
American actors in English language impersonating WW1 French officers is utterly grotesque not least because they do not look or act like any French from any period but the aim of the film is so stupid and preposterous that it is just a pallid anti-war rant bollocks, nothing more.
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yvetot-bocage-45worlds 19th Jul 2016 |  | CinemaBlow-Up (1966) | Rated 10/10In my opinion, the one and only potent film about the so-called "Swingin' London" but it plays on so many levels that it goes way beyond that simple tag.
London has never been more fascinating than filmed by Antonioni, and Hemmings and Redgrave are at their peak.
6 people found this review helpful. ✔︎ Helpful Review?
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 18th Jul 2016 |  | TVThe Champions (1968 - 1969) | Rated 1/10Terrible from start to finish. The acting is awful, the screenplays plain abysmal and the filming is below par.
The only good thing being the theme tune.
3 people found this review helpful. ✔︎ Helpful Review?
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 26th Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumElvis Costello And The Attractions - Get Happy! | Just a close second to "Imperial Bedroom". How many could have delivered 20 songs of such a calibre on one LP ?
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 23rd Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumElvis Costello And The Attractions - Imperial Bedroom | One of the greatest albums of all-time, in my opinion. I remember being blown away at the time of its release when i first played it, it was on heavy rotation on my desk for months. After all those years, it still stands out and even more as pure gold.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 23rd Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumBread, Love And Dreams - Amaryllis | To my knowledge, a mono pressing does exist for the HUMAN BEAST album. I remember seeing it a couple of times, for auction, on record dealers mailing lists about 25 years ago.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 22nd Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumBread, Love And Dreams - Amaryllis | A top rarity and a great psychedelic tinged folk album. Has connection with stablemates the HUMAN BEAST.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 22nd Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumRamases - Space Hymns | To my mind, the worst Swirl release together with the GORDON album and the J. DUMMER "Oobleedooblee".
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 22nd Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumGentle Giant - Gentle Giant | First pressing has the credits label with large Swirl logo and with the VERTIGO lettering at the bottom.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 22nd Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumGravy Train - (Ballad Of) A Peaceful Man | To my knowledge, the only example (along with UH "Very 'eavy", BS "Master Of Reality" and AC "666") of a fully laminated cover for a UK Swirl release.
On the other hand, the German pressing has a matt cover.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 22nd Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumGravy Train - (Ballad Of) A Peaceful Man | One of my favourites; though the production is a bit thin and lacking depth, it is so full of elegiac soundscapes counterbalanced by bits of surging heavy and searing parts, making it a timeless piece of work.
"Jule's Delight" rules.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 21st Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumBeggars Opera - Beggars Opera Act One | One of my all-time favourite covers.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 21st Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumBen - Ben | Got it, then, but had to part with all those albums that go for insane price by now.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 19th Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumSweet Apple - Love & Desperation | The front cover looks clearly like a nod to the Roxy Music "Country Life" LP with these sexy though hilarious ladies in underpants.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 19th Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumCressida - Asylum | Bought a mint archive copy back in '86 for 300 francs (£30) when all those stuffs were still affordable but believe me, it was such a sum at the time.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 19th Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumGracious - This Is... Gracious!! | Super funky and super trippy. Gorgeous follow-up.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 19th Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumGracious - Gracious! | Super heavy and super tuneful. Another classic.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 19th Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumVarious Artists - Vertigo Annual 1970 | The fantastic cover that once epitomised the Vertigo roaster and the genius of Keef.
As for the music itself, simply the best sampler ever made.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 19th Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumPacific Drift - Feelin' Free | Terrific album. Larry Arends was the drummer with Wimple Winch.
yvetot-bocage-45worlds 19th Apr 2015 |  | Vinyl AlbumCressida - Cressida | In my opinion, the best progressive album ever recorded as it goes way beyond the progressive tag anyway. It's just a classic album on par with the greatest albums produced in the late sixties and early seventies.