His Master's Voice E.K. Series
Originally a 10-inch series created around 1926 for export to Russia and the Baltic States (the 12-inch equivalent used the prefix E.V.). One wonders, however, how many of the pre-revolutionary songs in this reissue series would have been acceptable to the Communist government of the USSR. It seems more likely that these records were bought by Russian emigrees in England and France.
Record exports to Russia and the no-longer independent Baltic states definitely ceased during and after World War II. Yet the series continued and was now marketed to the many Russian and Baltic emigrees that had fled their home countries and settled in the UK and other English-speaking countries, especially Australia, Canada (with sticker, "Made in England for RCA Victor Company Limited), and the United States (with sticker, "Made in England for Radio Corporation of America ®").
List of 19 Gramophones by xiphophilos1 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/his-masters-voice-9-78-t.jpg) | А. Д. Вяльцева
A: Ты Не Спрашивай B: Любишь Ли Ты
DTP repress | ![](/assets/flg/fff1611/uk-fff1611.png) | His Master's Voice UK | E.K. 11 | | Export Issue | |
2 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/his-masters-voice-13-78-t.jpg) | А. Д. Вяльцева
A: Уйди, Мой Бѣдный Другъ B: Вѣтеръ
DTP repress | ![](/assets/flg/fff1611/uk-fff1611.png) | His Master's Voice UK | E.K. 15 | | Export Issue | |
3 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/his-masters-voice-15-78-t.jpg) | А. Д. Вяльцева
A: Уморилась B: Гони, Ямщикь
N repress | ![](/assets/flg/fff1611/uk-fff1611.png) | His Master's Voice UK | E.K. 16 | | Export Issue | |
4 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/his-masters-voice-17-78-t.jpg) | А. Д. Вяльцева
A: Ночь Была Свѣтла B: Ахъ, Да Пускай Свѣтъ Осуждаетъ
DTP repress | ![](/assets/flg/fff1611/uk-fff1611.png) | His Master's Voice UK | E.K. 19 | | Export Issue | |
5 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/his-masters-voice-19-78-t.jpg) | А. Д. Вяльцева
A: Мой Милый Другъ, Ты Хочешь Знать B: Люблю Я Или Нѣть
DTP repress | ![](/assets/flg/fff1611/uk-fff1611.png) | His Master's Voice UK | E.K. 20 | | Export Issue | |
6 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/i--his-masters-voice-78-t.jpg) | Юрiй Морфесси
A: Вездѣ И Всегда За Тобой B: Мы Вышли Въ Садъ
DTP repress | ![](/assets/flg/fff1611/uk-fff1611.png) | His Master's Voice UK | E.K. 28 | | Export Issue | |
7 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/i--his-masters-voice-3-78-t.jpg) | Юрiй Морфесси
A: Я Помню Вальса Звукъ Прелесный B: Къ Чему Скрывать
DT = 1948-1950 repress | ![](/assets/flg/fff1611/uk-fff1611.png) | His Master's Voice UK | E.K. 30 | | Export Issue | |
8 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/his-masters-voice-20-78-t.jpg) | Н. А. Большаков
A: Вернись B: Примиренiе
| ![](/assets/flg/fff1611/uk-fff1611.png) | His Master's Voice UK | E.K. 42 | | Export Issue | |
9 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/his-masters-voice-21-78-t.jpg) | М. К. Каринская
A: Вы Шутя Мнѣ Люблю Говорили
Варя Панина
B: Мы Были Молоды Съ Тобой
| ![](/assets/flg/fff1611/uk-fff1611.png) | His Master's Voice UK | E.K. 48 | | Export Issue | |
10 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/i-his-masters-voice-4-78-t.jpg) | Н. И. Тамара
A: Дремлютъ Плакучiя Ивы B: И Буду Тебя Я Ласкать
| ![](/assets/flg/fff1611/uk-fff1611.png) | His Master's Voice UK | E.K. 50 | | Export Issue | |
11 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/his-masters-voice-24-78-t.jpg) | Н. И. Тамара
A: Я Помню День B: Мой Хорошiй Мой Пригожiй
| ![](/assets/flg/fff1611/uk-fff1611.png) | His Master's Voice UK | E.K. 51 | | Export Issue | |
12 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/his-masters-voice-11-78-t.jpg) | М. Комарова
A1: Вотъ Что Недѣлали Пѣсни Твои B1: Я Девчонка Молодая B2: Люблю Васъ, Ваня
| ![](/assets/flg/fff1611/uk-fff1611.png) | His Master's Voice UK | E.K. 55 | | Export Issue | |
13 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/adolfs-kaktins-vina-dziesma-his-masters-voice-78-t.jpg) | Adolfs Kaktins
A: Vina Dziesma B: Liec Lai Glaze Staiga
Latvian, exported to Canada, DTP repress | ![](/assets/flg/fff1611/uk-fff1611.png) | His Master's Voice UK | E.K.1029 | 1929 | Export Issue | |
14 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/adolfs-kaktins-mantilja-nu-ciesaki-ietinies-his-masters-voice-78-t.jpg) | Adolfs Kaktins
A: Mantilja Nu Ciesaki Ietinies B: Vinas Acu Dzidrie Stari
Latvian, exported to Canada, DTP repress | ![](/assets/flg/fff1611/uk-fff1611.png) | His Master's Voice UK | E.K.1057 | 1930 | Export Issue | |
15 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/adolfs-kaktins-meldera-meitina-his-masters-voice-78-t.jpg) | Adolfs Kaktins
A: Meldera Meitina B: Jurina Prasa Smalku Tiklu
Latvian, exported to Canada | ![](/assets/flg/fff1611/uk-fff1611.png) | His Master's Voice UK | E.K.1058 | 1930 | Export Issue | |
16 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/a-priedniekscavara-dziru-dziesma-no-op-traviata-his-masters-voice-78-t.jpg) | A. Priednieks-Cavara
A: Dziru Dziesma No. Op. "Traviata" B: "meitenes Sirsnina No. Op. "Rigoletto"
Latvian, exported to USA, DTP repress | ![](/assets/flg/fff1611/uk-fff1611.png) | His Master's Voice UK | E.K.1061 | | Export Issue | |
17 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/a-priedniekskavara-kur-tu-teci-gailti-man-his-masters-voice-78-t.jpg) | A. Priednieks-Kavara
A: Kur Tu Teci, Gailti Man' B: Maigums Un Greks
Latvian, exported to USA, DTP repress | ![](/assets/flg/fff1611/uk-fff1611.png) | His Master's Voice UK | E.K.1080 | | Export Issue | |
18 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/a-priedniekskavara-ta-debess-iztiec-ta-muziga-speku-his-masters-voice-78-t.jpg) | A. Priednieks-Kavara
A: Ta Debess Izteic Ta Muziga Speku B: Augsa Aiz Zvaigznem
Latvian, exported to Canada, DTP repress | ![](/assets/flg/fff1611/uk-fff1611.png) | His Master's Voice UK | E.K.1083 | | Export Issue | |
19 | ![](//images.45worlds.com/t/78/v-ancarovskadikis-melanchol-skais-valsis-his-masters-voice-78-t.jpg) | V. Ancarovs-Kadikis
A: Melanchol Skais Valsis B: Lai Ligo Lepna Dziesma
Latvian, exported to Canada, DTP repress | ![](/assets/flg/fff1611/uk-fff1611.png) | His Master's Voice UK | E.K.1089 | | Export Issue | |