Welcome to the site! Images can be added with the Add Image link at the bottom of each entry. But before you do that, please check out the discussion at https://www.45worlds.com/topic/103017 on how to crop and upload images! I've also send you a PM with more detail.
In terms of not typing things in, many artists and label names will automatically be filled in once you start entering them, and the same is true for composers or even composer combinations (please enter them only exactly as on label, except separate names with commas rather than "and" or "&" or "-"). The track titles, though, you'll have to type yourself.
Since I just joined, I haven't figured out how the site works totally. But if you want new pictures of records labels, most of mine are like new. If someone pings with how to update something or where to send the pictures. I'll be happy to forward them.
I have about 450- 10 inch and 12 inch most from early 1910- 1940.
I'm trying to find the best way to catalog them without typing everything in. If some one has a quicker way I'd be appreciative. Thanks.