Jimmie Revard And His Oklahoma Playboys:
Jimmie Revard (string bass, vocal - A), Adolph Hofner (guitar, vocal - B), Emil "Bash" Hofner (electric steel guitar), Ben McKay (fiddle), Eddie Whitley (piano), George "Cotton" Cooper (tenor banjo).
Recorded October 22, 1936, Texas Hotel, San Antonio, TX, mx: BS-02802-1 (A), BS-02807-1 (B).
Number:711328 THUMBNAIL Uploaded By:78-Ron Edited By:fixbutte Description: Bluebird B-6992 A side label (June 1937 label)
Number:711329 Uploaded By:78-Ron Edited By:fixbutte Description: Bluebird B-6992 B side label (June 1937 label)
Number:2633904 Uploaded By:Mike Gann Description: Bluebird B-6992 A side label (August 1937-Fall 1938 repress)
Number:2633905 Uploaded By:Mike Gann Description: Bluebird B-6992 B side label (August 1937-Fall 1938 repress)
Number:711330 Uploaded By:78-Ron Description: Bluebird B-6992 A side label (Fall 1938 – Fall 1941 Indianapolis repress)
Number:711331 Uploaded By:78-Ron Description: Bluebird B-6992 B side label (Fall 1938 – Fall 1941 Indianapolis repress)
The first set of labels shows the "buff" label (with a bluebird), which was the first Bluebird label, used until August 1937 (up to #B-7101).
That one was followed by the blue "staff" label (the bluebird now flying before musical staff), not shown here (see e.g. Bluebird B-7085), which was used until August 1939 (at last only for the 8000s series, up to #B-8243).
The second set of labels shows the "dog 3" label (because it had Nipper the dog instead of the bluebird and three lines of type around the bottom of the label) which was used for the 8000s series from September 1939 on, followed again by the "dog 2" label (two lines) in July 1943.
As a consequence, the second set of labels belongs to a reissue between September 1939 and June 1943.